110 Sad Guitar Songs For Beginners That You Must Learn

Sad Guitar Songs For Beginners

Learning the guitar can be a thrilling experience, especially when you can play songs that resonate with your emotions and stir up feelings in your audience.

As a beginner, mastering a few songs can boost your confidence and set the platform for your musical growth.

Interestingly, some songs grip the heart more when played on the guitar, particularly those with a melancholic tone.

Often, sad songs have the most profound melodies, allowing one to express raw emotions through the guitar strings effectively.

This article has compiled a list of sad guitar songs suitable for beginners, each offering unique opportunities to learn different techniques.

Besides learning to play these songs, you will also develop a deeper emotional connection with your instrument.

Table of Contents

Sad Guitar Songs For Beginners

1. “Black” by Pearl Jam

One of the first songs a new guitarist should learn is “Black” by the famed rock band Pearl Jam.

The song is a melancholic piece that perfectly fits the mood of someone who is in need of a good sad guitar song.

Pearl Jam’s lead singer, Eddie Vedder, wrote the lyrics, which deeply reflect the emotions of loss and longing.

The distinctive guitar melody of “Black” is emotionally charged and connects with the listener almost instantly.

The song does not require advanced guitar techniques and is, therefore, an ideal choice for beginners.

Pearl Jam - Black (Official Audio)

“Black” has uncomplicated chords, making it easier for someone new to guitar to pick up and play.

Different versions also exist, making it a song that can grow with the guitarist as they improve.

No matter your musical preference, Pearl Jam’s “Black” is a must-learn for anyone seeking to explore the depth of emotions that can be conveyed through playing the guitar.

The beauty of this song lies in its simplicity, and the emotion it conveys is all the more impactful due to Eddie Vedder’s lyrical brilliance.

From a beginner’s perspective, mastering “Black” is a significant step towards representing their feelings through the medium of music.

2. “The River” by Bruce Springsteen

“The River” by Bruce Springsteen is a stark, poignant song that can be an excellent addition to a beginner guitar player’s repertoire.

Springsteen, often referred to as “The Boss”, is known for his relatable storytelling through music, and this song is an excellent example of his skill.

In “The River”, the simple chord progression combined with Springsteen’s heart-wrenching lyrics make it an accessible yet deeply moving piece for beginners to learn.

Focused on themes of lost youth and dreams, the song’s melancholic tone resonates with listeners and evokes feelings of nostalgia.

Bruce Springsteen - The River (The River Tour, Tempe 1980)

Learning to play “The River” on guitar not only helps beginners improve their skills, but also offers an insight into the world of folk rock, a genre Springsteen has significantly influenced.

Furthermore, the song can contribute to the understanding of the structural composition of songs, including verse, chorus, and bridge formations.

Despite the song’s inherent sadness, “The River” holds an enduring appeal, a key element that makes it a compelling choice for anyone wanting to learn more guitar songs focused on emotions.

Finally in learning “The River”, beginner guitarists will engage with a song that has a profound emotional depth and a testament to Springsteen’s remarkable songwriting skill.

3. “Street Spirit” by Radiohead

“Street Spirit” is a creation of the renowned English band, Radiohead.

The song carries a sense of sombre melancholy, making it a perfect choice for those seeking sad guitar songs to practice.

The arrangement is characterized by the haunting guitar riff that is central to the song.

This particular tune sticks in the memory, lasting long after the song has ended.

A profound sense of grieving emotion is evident in the lyrics and the vocal delivery of Thom Yorke.

Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Learning this song as a beginner gives a glimpse into the band’s distinctive musical style.

Playing “Street Spirit” from beginning to end helps beginners practice their chord transitions and strumming patterns.

One may interpret the song as an exploration of humanity’s darker aspects.

The song showcases Radiohead’s lyric writing chops, renowned for thoughtful introspection and commentary.

“Street Spirit” forms a key part of Radiohead’s rich musical repertoire, making it a must-learn for budding guitarists.

4. “Mad World” by Gary Jules

The song “Mad World” is by artist Gary Jules.

This track is notably one of the saddest guitar songs for beginners to learn.

The melancholic vibe of this song makes it resonate with many individuals.

Although it has a simple melody, it is the lyrics that evoke deep feelings of sadness.

Playing and singing this song can be a therapeutic experience for anybody learning the guitar.

It focuses on human emotions and the harsh realities of life, making it a relatable tune.

Beginners often find the song’s strumming pattern to be simple and easy to mimic.

Simultaneously, learning this song could be a great way to enhance your guitar skills.

Gary Jules’ rendition of this song has an acoustic quality that is perfect for beginners to explore.

Guitar beginners should not miss out on learning this poignant, timeless track.

5. “Someone Like You” by Adele

“Someone Like You” is a song by British singer-songwriter, Adele.

This iconic track belongs to her second studio album, “21”.

The song delves into the emotions of heartbreak and longing.

It is a melancholic track that is often played on the guitar by beginners.

Adele’s soulful voice combined with the somber tone of the song has resonated with audiences, especially those dealing with breakups and heartbreak.

Adele - Someone Like You (Official Music Video)

“Someone Like You” is easy to play for beginners, making it a perfect choice for those starting their journey into guitar playing.

The song has simple and repetitive chords, which allows novices to practice and perfect their techniques.

Adele’s emotive vocals coupled with its lyrical depth and simplicity make “Someone Like You” a great piece for beginner guitarists looking to improve their skills.

Playing “Someone Like You” can help to develop a beginner’s fingering technique as well as their ability to convey emotion through guitar playing.

Additionally, the song helps players learn how to capture emotion and tell a story through music and lyrics.

Overall, it is a beautiful and emotionally laden song, perfect for a sad guitar song beginner’s repertoire.

6. “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M

The song “Everybody Hurts” is by the American alternative rock band, R.E.M.

This group was formed in 1980 and is made up of four members – Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills, and Bill Berry.

The song, in essence, is a refreshingly simple and empathetic expression of understanding and consolation meant for those going through hard times.

Contrary to what its title might suggest, “Everybody Hurts” isn’t strictly about sadness.

It also encourages the listener to hold on when they’re feeling low because everyone experiences pain.

R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts (Official HD Music Video)

Built around a melodic guitar line, the simplicity and structure of the song may appeal to beginners.

It’s easy enough to strum the chords on a guitar.

Moreover, the lyrics are quite straightforward, allowing beginners to focus more on their guitar skills than on interpreting the song.

The tune is catchy yet somber, which aligns with the overall tone of the song.

Thus, “Everybody Hurts” is a good track for novice guitar players who are looking to expand their repertoire with emotional, relatable songs.

7. “Creep” by Radiohead

“Creep” is a track by the English rock band Radiohead.

The song was first released in 1992 and is often acknowledged as their debut single.

Thom Yorke, the band’s front man, pens the lyrics which many interpret to be about a man who lusts after a woman he deems out of his league.

The lyrical themes of self-loathing, insecurity and rejection, combined with the melancholic melody and raw guitar solo, is what makes this song particularly resonate with listeners.

With its simplistic four-chord progression, “Creep” is also ideal for beginners to learn on the guitar.

Beyond its basic chords, the song features an unforgettable guitar riff that new guitarists can practice to build confidence and skill.

Despite it being stripped down and relatively easy to play, performing “Creep” on the guitar can impart a profound sense of emotional catharsis.

Radiohead, with “Creep”, has managed to create a song that not only touches the hearts of many, but also serves as an excellent piece for novice musicians to venture towards their guitar learning journey.

8. “With Or Without You” by U2

U2’s “With Or Without You” is a sad guitar song that can’t be missed by any beginner learning the instrument.

Bono’s mournful and introspective lyrics create a deep sense of melancholy that resonates with listeners.

Combined with The Edge’s distinctive guitar style, which relies heavily on delay and reverb effects, the song has a sense of longing and despair.

The lyrics center around frustration and the heartbreak of a failing relationship, making it a classic example of a sad song.

U2 - With Or Without You (Official Music Video)

Despite its heavy theme, “With Or Without You” is surprisingly easy for beginners to learn on the guitar.

Its chord progression is quite simple, and the echo-laden guitar parts can be achieved with various beginner-friendly techniques.

Moreover, learning this song will introduce beginners to some of U2’s unique approaches to guitar playing.

From its haunting lyrics to its distinctive guitar work, “With Or Without You” is a great song to learn for any novice guitarist interested in exploring sad songs.

9. “Yesterday” by The Beatles

“Yesterday” by The Beatles is an undeniably touching song that carries a heavy dose of nostalgia.

Generated by Paul McCartney, this melancholic guitar tune is renowned for its simplicity and emotive resonance.

The lyrics of this song depict a man reminiscing about the blissful days gone by, and lamenting his current state of heartbreak.

Played in the key of F major, “Yesterday” has a melodic guitar arrangement that beginners can easily pick up, making it a must-learn song for any fledgling guitarist.

Yesterday (With Spoken Word Intro / Live From Studio 50, New York City / 1965)

Besides its melodic appeal, the song showcases chord-transition techniques that can significantly improve fingerpicking skills.

The Beatles are world-class musicians who have left an indelible impact on the music history, and learning their songs is a great way to understand their unique musicality.

Thus, the song “Yesterday” is not just a poignant tune but also a practical guitar lesson filled with significant learning opportunities for beginners.

Learning “Yesterday” can help novice guitarists expand their repertoire while improving their technical guitar skills.

In turn, this iconic Beatles song becomes a fulfilling and enjoyable part of any beginner guitarist’s journey.

10. “Hurt” by Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Hurt” is a timeless example of a sad guitar song suitable for beginners.

Originally written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, the song was covered by Cash in 2002 and has since become one of his most memorable performances.

“Hurt” is a deeply touching piece, characterized by its simple yet evocative guitar lines.

The song’s lyrics explore themes of loss, regret, and self-realization, resonating with many listeners on a profoundly personal level.

Johnny Cash - Hurt

For beginners in particular, the song provides an opportunity to practice playing in a minor key and incorporating arpeggio fingerpicking techniques.

While the original features heavy distortion and an electronic beat, Cash’s version is stripped back and dominated by soft acoustic guitar— making it ideal for novice musicians.

The raw, emotive quality of the song is predominantly a result of Cash’s deep, gravelly vocals and the song’s hauntingly beautiful melody.

Learning to play “Hurt” on guitar is not only a step towards developing musical skill, but also a pathway to understanding how melancholy can be translated into music.

“Hurt” surely underscores the depth of sincerity that can be achieved in music, making it a must-learn for anyone interested in mastering the art of sad guitar songs.

11. “Fix You” by Coldplay

“Fix You” is a song by the British rock band, Coldplay.

It was written by all four members of the group and included in their third album, “X&Y”.

The song is known for its moving lyrics and distinct guitar riff, which stands out in the world of rock music.

The lyrical content of “Fix You” is deeply emotional, making it a popular choice for those wanting to convey a sense of sadness or longing through the medium of music.

Coldplay’s singer, Chris Martin’s raw and emotional vocals intensify the song’s impact.

Coldplay - Fix You (Official Video)

The song uses simple chords, making it accessible even for beginner guitarists.

Despite its simplicity, “Fix You” is a song that allows for a lot of expression and emotion.

It’s a great song for beginners to learn as it combines easy chords with a strong emotional depth.

Furthermore, playing this song can help beginners develop their fingerpicking skills.

So, if you’re practicing guitar and want to express some emotion, “Fix You” by Coldplay could be the ideal song to learn.

All in all, the emotion embedded in this song and its easy guitar chords make it a must-learn for beginners.

12. “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera

The song “Beautiful” is by the celebrated pop star, Christina Aguilera.

It is a ballad with a profound message that resonates with listeners about self worth and beauty.

Aguilera’s impressive vocal range is prominently on display in this song, adding emotional depth to the lyrics.

The song’s guitar arrangement is simple yet effective, making it a suitable choice for beginners who are learning to play the guitar.

Inspiring and emotional, “Beautiful” encourages listeners to believe in their inherent beauty and self-worth, irrespective of society’s standards or judgments.

Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Official HD Video)

New players can learn important basic chords and strumming techniques from this song.

Moreover, they can enhance their guitar-playing skills while also absorbing the beautiful message behind the song.

It’s worth mentioning that “Beautiful” is a great song for beginners to start off their guitar-learning journey.

Not only does it boost your confidence as a budding guitarist, but also it provides a chance to share and spread its beautiful message with others.

This section on “Beautiful” is part of an ongoing list of sad guitar songs for beginners that one must learn, so stay tuned for more.

13. “Let Her Go” by Passenger

“Let Her Go” is a touching song by Passenger, a British singer-songwriter and musician.

The song’s haunting melody and raw lyrics make it a must-learn for beginners interested in sad guitar songs.

The lyrics express a deep, painful longing that resonates with listeners.

Despite its somber tone, the song is relatively easy to learn on the guitar, making it a great choice for novices.

The chords and strumming pattern are straightforward, further simplifying the learning process.

Passenger | Let Her Go (Official Video)

The song’s sentimental lyrics paired with its melancholic tune make it a brilliant selection for those seeking emotion-filled music.

Passenger, whose real name is Michael David Rosenberg, is known for his heartfelt lyrics.

“Let Her Go” is perfectly representative of Rosenberg’s melodious storytelling abilities.

Picking up the song could also open doors to Passenger’s other works, broadening your range of sad guitar tunes.

As such, “Let Her Go” primarily teaches beginners valuable lessons in guitar playing and song interpretation.

The song, with its rich lyricism and simple guitar patterns, is a wonderful addition to any beginner’s repertoire.

14. “The Scientist” by Coldplay

Originating from the British band, Coldplay, “The Scientist” is a heart-rending song with easy-to-learn guitar chords.

Centred around a somber piano melody, it was reimagined for the guitar creating a captivating piece for beginners.

This song from the 2002 album, “A Rush of Blood to the Head,” reveals Coldplay’s mastery of combining simple chords with profound lyrics.

These gripping lyrics mirror the struggles of regret and longing for a chance to rectify mistakes.

It’s a song perfect for sad guitar songs beginners must learn due to the simplicity of its chords and rhythm.

Coldplay - The Scientist (Official 4K Video)

Remarkably, the guitar arrangement of “The Scientist” maintains the raw emotion from the piano version.

Lead vocalist Chris Martin’s performance paired with the poignant lyrics makes a wonderful combo for expressing sadness through music.

Learning to play “The Scientist” offers beginner guitarists a gateway into the world of emotional story-telling in music.

The beauty of this song lies in its ability to evoke empathy, proving the power of simple chords and sincere lyrics.

Every strum and arpeggio in “The Scientist” is a building block for a beginner’s journey to expressive guitar playing.

15. “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac

Considered one of the most iconic rock songs of all time, “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac should be on every beginner guitarist’s practice list.

The song’s simple chord progression and gentle strumming pattern make it a suitable and rewarding challenge for beginners.

Written by Stevie Nicks, one of the band’s lead vocalists and songwriters, “Landslide” is an introspective look at life’s changes.

The beautifully sad lyrics are delicately accented by the guitar’s soft melodies, creating a tender and poignant listening experience.

Fleetwood Mac - Landslide (Official Music Video) [HD]

By learning “Landslide”, beginners are introduced to important guitar mechanics like fingerpicking and chord variations.

Meanwhile, the song’s emotional depth offers players a chance to explore different ways of expressing feeling through music.

This Fleetwood Mac hit is not just a great song to learn, it’s also steeped in musical history, having been covered by various artists for the past decades.

In addition, learning and understanding “Landslide” offers a gateway into the wider discography and history of this internationally acclaimed band, Fleetwood Mac.

“Landslide” is a heartfelt melancholic tune that novices can incorporate into their practice to improve both technical skills and emotional conveyance.

16. “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers

Bill Withers was an American singer-songwriter renowned for his profound lyrics and soulful voice.

One of his most famous songs is “Ain’t No Sunshine”.

This song showcases Withers’ unique style, which beautifully combines elements of soul and blues.

The lyrics are deeply emotional and they resonated with many people in their times of sadness and heartache.

“Ain’t No Sunshine” is a sad song for beginner guitarists to learn, not just because of its melancholic melody but also because of the emotion it carries.

Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine (Official Audio)

It has a simple chord progression, making it easy for beginners to pick up and play.

Yet, the true beauty of the song lies in its ability to express so much emotion with such minimalistic music.

The song is about missing someone when they’re gone, giving it a poignant and universal theme that anyone can connect with.

Withers’ raw vocals take center stage in the song, resonating with the despair felt in the lyrics, making this an excellent song to learn for those looking to express emotion through their guitar playing.

Learning “Ain’t No Sunshine” will not only help beginners gain confidence in their guitar playing abilities but also help them connect emotionally to the music they play.

17. “Leave Out All the Rest” by Linkin Park

Linkin Park’s “Leave Out All the Rest” is a sentimental tune from their 2007 album, “Minutes to Midnight”.

The song is sung by Chester Bennington, the late lead vocalist of the band, who’s haunting yet soothing voice adds profound emotional depth to the lyrics.

The lyrics revolve around the theme of legacy and remembrance, a poignant reminder of our mortality.

Leave Out All The Rest (Official Music Video) [4K Upgrade] - Linkin Park

The song opens with a quiet synth intro, followed by a burst of mellow guitar, setting a melancholic tone.

Beginner guitar players will find this song user-friendly, as it sports a simple chord progression and strumming pattern.

It’s a song that can easily resonate with listeners due to its universal theme and Bennington’s honest vocal delivery.

“Leave Out All the Rest” is one of those songs that can evokes strong emotions and can be played on a lonely day, or when in need of a healing melody.

18. “Hello” by Lionel Richie

One of the most memorable songs for beginning guitar players is “Hello” by Lionel Richie.

Composed by the incredibly talented Lionel Richie, the song is recognized for its deeply emotional and pulling lyrics.

“Hello” was released as part of Richie’s debut solo album back in 1983, following his departure from the successful band, the Commodores.

This soft rock ballad has become undoubtedly one of Lionel Richie’s best-loved songs.

The sad love tale expressed in the song forms a deep emotional connection with the listener.

Lionel Richie - Hello (Official Music Video)

“Hello” features somber guitar chords that are suitable for beginners looking to add emotion to their music.

The melody of the song is simple yet moving, which is appealing for those just starting their guitar journey.

The song’s chords are easy to master, yet they produce a profound impact on the audience.

Aspiring guitarists can derive inspiration from Lionel Richie’s passion and dexterity showcased through “Hello”.

Practicing “Hello” will help novice guitar players get a grasp of how to express emotions through guitar playing.

19. “Tears In Heaven” by Eric Clapton

“Tears In Heaven” is a song by the renowned artist Eric Clapton.

It’s one of the saddest guitar songs any beginner can learn.

The song has a poignant backstory, it was written after the tragic loss of Clapton’s young son.

Clapton’s grief is captured vividly through the lyrics and melody.

The song’s gentle, haunting melody resonates with listeners, making it universal.

It was also an opportunity for Clapton to process his personal pain through music.

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven (Official Video)

With its tender tune and soft rhythm, it’s a good example of a sad song that’s beginner-friendly.

For guitarists starting out, simply playing the first few chords can be emotionally stirring.

As a beginner guitarist, learning “Tears in Heaven” would definitely help in expanding your musical repertoire.

The song’s emotional depth and musical complexity make it a must-learn.

This song reminds us how music can encapsulate emotion in such a beautiful manner.

“Tears In Heaven” is an extraordinary song and holds an important place in Eric Clapton’s career.

So, while learning guitar, do not miss out on an opportunity to cover “Tears In Heaven”.

20. “Nothing Compares 2 U” by Sinéad O’Connor

Sinéad O’Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” is a melancholic guitar song perfect for beginners.

First recorded by Prince’s group The Family, Sinéad O’Connor’s version is the one most known.

Its simple chord progression and melancholic tone make it ideal for guitar newbies to learn.

“Nothing Compares 2 U” is a break-up song, narrating the aftermath of a lost love.

The lyrics convey deep sadness and regret, thus counting as a sad song.

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U (Official Music Video) [HD]

It’s a song that requires more emotional interpretation than technical skills.

This is why it could be a great practice for newbies in conveying emotions through song performances.

Sinéad O’Connor’s unique and emotive voice adds another layer to the soulful lyrics.

The song’s music video, featuring a close-up shot of O’Connor’s tearful singing, has become iconic in pop culture.

“Nothing Compares 2 U” offers a great learning experience for beginners in expressing a range of emotions via a simple song.

21. “When I was Your Man” by Bruno Mars

“When I was Your Man” by Bruno Mars is a heart-wrenching melody.

Mars demonstrates his soulful voice and emotional depth in this track.

The lyrics revolve around regret from not treating a past lover right.

As the title suggests, it paints a picture of Mars reminiscing about a past relationship.

It’s not just a song about sadness and regret, but also about longing for a lost loved one.

Apart from its touchy lyrics, the tune’s gentle guitar strumming adds to the melancholy.

Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man (Official Music Video)

This makes it a perfect choice for beginners wanting to learn sad guitar songs.

Bruno Mars, a well-known pop artist, proves his versatility with this track.

His discography includes songs from various genres, showcasing his wide range of musical talents.

The song’s complexity lies not in its chords, but in the emotion needed to properly convey its message.

So in addition to guitar practice, “When I was Your Man” also provides great sentiment expression experience.

By learning this song, beginners will not only expand their guitar skills, but also develop their ability to express emotions through their music.

22. “Say Something” by A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera

Say Something” by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera is a sad guitar song that beginning guitar players should learn to play.

This heartfelt duet showcases the brilliant songwriting talents of Ian Axel and Chad King, collectively known as A Great Big World.

Known for their expressive lyrics and melodies, the band has a knack for crafting songs that deeply resonate with listeners.

On the other hand, Christina Aguilera, a renowned vocalist known for her powerful and emotive voice, adds depth and complexity to the song.

A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera - Say Something

The lyrics of “Say Something” express the deep anguish and hopelessness one feels when they have to let go of a love that’s no longer reciprocated.

This emotion-heavy song is an excellent piece for beginners to learn because it employs simple chord progressions, making it an accessible yet impactful song to play on the guitar.

In addition, its relatively slow tempo helps beginners to learn timing and chord transitions without feeling overwhelmed.

Furthermore, the guitar arrangement of the song features a finger-picking pattern that can greatly enhance the playing techniques of those who are just starting.

“Say Something” ultimately encapsulates how it feels to be helpless in love, making it a must-learn for anyone interested in emotive guitar music.

23. “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen was a Canadian singer-songwriter known for his soft, deep voice and poetic lyrics.

“Hallelujah,” one of his most appreciated songs, is a beautiful fusion of folk, pop, and gospel music.

The song is distinguished by Cohen’s raw honesty and emotional complexity, employing religious imagery to depict real-life struggles and victories.

Cohen took a total of five years to perfect the lyrics of “Hallelujah,” an indication of his commitment to crafting meaningful music.

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah (Live In London)

Though the song wasn’t an immediate success when first released in 1984, it has since gained incredible popularity and has been covered by several artists.

The song’s achingly poignant lyrics make it a perfect addition to any list of sad guitar songs for beginners.

Learning “Hallelujah” on the guitar allows beginners to master a piece of music that is simple in composition, yet rich in emotion.

While this song is a sad guitar song, it also manages to create an uplifting feeling, showcasing the full range of emotions music can evoke.

24. “Space Oddity” by David Bowie

Space Oddity” is one of David Bowie’s most memorable songs.

This song is often regarded as a lyrical journey into outer space.

Bowie uses intimate guitar chords to paint an emotional soundscape.

It’s also a song that beginning guitarists can learn to play with some practice.

The song features Bowie’s distinctive melodic style, balancing catchy hooks with complex progression.

David Bowie – Space Oddity (Official Video)

The guitar in “Space Oddity” creates a sense of loneliness and isolation.

It pairs well with Bowie’s somber vocals, telling the story of an astronaut lost in space.

This track is rather sad and poignant, reflecting the emotions we often feel when learning to play guitar.

Its melancholy mood combined with its striking guitar chords make it a worthwhile endeavor for a beginner guitarist.

With “Space Oddity“, David Bowie assists the beginner guitarist in understanding how music can convey deep emotions.

An understanding of this song can help musicians connect emotionally with their own performances.

25. “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston’s rendition of “I Will Always Love You” is a classic song renowned worldwide.

The powerful melody and sincere lyrics contribute to its recognition as a sad song.

Notably, it is the poignant guitar accompaniment that gives it a unique touch.

Beginning guitar players may find learning this song to be both enjoyable and a challenge.

Despite her singing capability, Whitney Houston’s rendition retains the song’s simplicity.

She sings with raw emotion, which bleeds into the guitar chords, elevating their sadness.

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You (Official 4K Video)

The guitar chords, while simple, carry the weight of the song’s emotional message.

“I Will Always Love You” serves as a great learning piece for beginner guitarists looking to explore sad songs.

As they learn, they not only build their skills but also tap into the emotions that music can convey.

Therefore, beginners who want to widen their repertoire of sad songs must consider “I Will Always Love You”.

This tear-jerking ballad shows that simplicity can be just as moving as complexity.

Regardless of your skill level, you can express profound grief through this song’s basic guitar chords.

Despite it being a challenging piece, the effort put into mastering “I Will Always Love You” on the guitar is surely worth it.

26. “My Immortal” by Evanescence

“My Immortal” is an emotional song by the rock group Evanescence.

This song presents striking lyrics and uncomplicated guitar chords, suitable for beginners.

Written by Amy Lee and Ben Moody, the song reflects Evanescence’s distinctive sound.

It offers a haunting melody that matches its lyrics about loss and longing.

“My Immortal” is known for its piano and guitar arrangement, making it ideal for beginning guitarists.

Evanescence - My Immortal (Official HD Music Video)

Learning this song will not only improve guitar skills, but it also allows beginners to gauge their emotional connection with the music they play.

The melody is haunting, yet effortless to learn, and the lyrics are deep, yet beautiful.

The simplicity of the chords allows beginners to concentrate on the rhythm and emotion rather than technical execution.

In “My Immortal”, Evanescence’s Amy Lee delivers a raw, heartfelt performance that adds a heart-wrenching feel to the song.

This song’s lyrics deal with the themes of unrequited love and personal grief, which are universally relatable.

Ultimately, “My Immortal” by Evanescence provides beginners with an excellent platform to enhance their guitar skills and emotional expression.

27. “Zombie” by The Cranberries

The song “Zombie” by The Cranberries is a poignant example of how music can express sadness and frustration.

Released in 1994, “Zombie” was written by the band’s lead singer, Dolores O’Riordan, in response to the tragic death of two boys in a bombing by the Irish Republican Army.

The emotional guitar riffs paired with O’Riordan’s haunting voice evokes a sense of despair and anger, making it an ideal selection for those looking to learn to convey similar emotions through the guitar.

The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video)

The song’s sad undertones are heightened by its somber lyrics, including the line “It’s the same old theme since 1916”.

O’Riordan challenges listeners to reflect on the brutality of war when she sings, “With their tanks and their bombs/And their bombs and their guns/In your head/In your head, they are fighting.

Zombie” shows beginners that a song does not need to be complicated to elicit powerful emotions.

Its simple guitar chords and deep meaning make it an excellent piece for beginners to learn and understand the power of music.

28. “Patience” by Guns N’ Roses

“Patience” by Guns N’ Roses is a remarkable piece of music that many beginner guitarists find captivating.

Composed by Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin, the song features beautiful acoustic guitar melodies that carry the emotion of the lyrics.

It’s a perfect song for beginners as it employs simple strumming patterns and basic chord shapes.

Moreover, the song can help novices understand the necessity of dynamics and rhythm in song composition.

Guns N' Roses - Patience

The sad and resonating theme of “Patience” makes it an ideal practice tune for beginners wanting to convey emotion through their performance.

“Patience” is also a great song to help build finger independence and strength, with its constant variation in chords.

Beyond the technical aspects, beginner guitarists also love this song because Guns N’ Roses is a widely admired band with a rich history in rock music.

The unique blend of rock and ballad-style in “Patience” provides a refreshing change from typical beginner tunes.

Therefore, if you’re a beginner looking for a sad acoustic guitar song to learn, “Patience” by Guns N’ Roses would be a commendable choice.

29. “Losing My Religion” by REM

The band REM offers amazing lyrics and engaging songs.

One such notable song is “Losing My Religion”.

This track features sad guitar melodies suitable for beginners’ learning.

The song focuses on expressing emotional turmoil and confusion, making it poignant for many listeners.

It’s not strictly about religious faith, but rather a southern United States expression meaning losing one’s temper or civility.

R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (Official HD Music Video)

This song is easily identifiable by the distinctive mandolin riff.

The introductory chords are simple yet represent the sadness perfectly.

It’s perfect for beginner guitarists who want to practice and improve their skills.

Not to mention the lyrics, which are incredibly moving and emotional.

“Losing My Religion” truly showcases REM’s ability to create deeply emotional music.

For a beginner, learning how to play this can be a good step forward in your music journey.

30. “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol

Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” is a raw and emotional song.

The acoustic guitar starts the journey of this beautifully sad song.

This iconic band, from Northern Ireland, crafted a poignant melody.

Lyrically moving, the song talks about wanting to escape reality.

The agony of a fading love is clearly portrayed by Gary Lightbody, the lead vocalist.

The simple chord progression makes “Chasing Cars” a beginner-friendly song.

Comprised of basic chords – A, E & D, it’s easily playable for new learners.

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (Official Video)

However, it’s the emotional connection that truly elevates this song.

You can feel the heart-wrenching lyrics through the mellow guitar chords.

Beginners could use this song to experiment with expressiveness in their guitar playing.

The unadorned guitar tunes make it a perfect song for beginners.

Strumming the chords of “Chasing Cars”, one may find a reflective solace.

It’s a song that lets a beginner guitarist experience the intensity of emotions.

Gary Lightbody’s sensitive rendition makes this song an essential beginner’s pick.

“Chasing Cars” can be a starting point to grasp more nuanced playing techniques in the future.

31. “Wish You Were Here” by P!nk Floyd

“Wish You Were Here” is an iconic track by English rock band Pink Floyd.

Released in 1975, it comes from the album of the same name and is a hauntingly beautiful song that’s often recommended for beginner guitarists.

From its melancholic lyrics to its memorable guitar riffs, the song has left an impression on generations of music lovers worldwide.

It features a two-part acoustic guitar intro that is not only memorable but also relatable to most beginners.

The song was written by band members Roger Waters and David Gilmour, both of whom have been praised for their emotive songwriting abilities.

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

Despite its somber themes, it retains a striking simplicity in its composition, making it a great pick for guitarists just starting out.

The song has been perceived as a reflective and emotion-driven piece, resonating with fans struggling with feelings of absence and longing.

Above all, learning to play “Wish You Were Here” can bring solace to beginners while simultaneously improving their guitar-playing skills.

The song is not just a haunting piece of music, it’s a lesson in emotion, storytelling, and musicianship.

Despite its simplicity, “Wish You Were Here” is sure to be a rewarding challenge for any budding guitarist.

32. “The Man Who Sold The World” by David Bowie

“The Man Who Sold The World” is a song by renowned musician David Bowie.

The song’s melancholic guitar line and cryptic lyrics elicit a deep sense of sorrow.

It’s a perfect piece for beginners due to its simplicity yet depth.

Aside from the guitar, however, the lyrics of the song, penned by Bowie himself, cannot be ignored.

These lyrics have mystified listeners since the song’s release in 1970, contributing to the song’s enduring popularity.

David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World [2020 Mix] [Official Lyric Video]

They speak to the inner turmoil and existential crisis of the song’s protagonist, often interpreted as Bowie himself.

In addition to its compelling lyrics, the sad tone of the song deeply resonates with listeners, making it a valuable addition to any beginner’s repertoire.

And although Bowie performed the song with a band, it can easily be adapted for solo acoustic guitar.

While the song may not handhold beginners through basic guitar techniques, it surely sets a picturesque narrative for potential passion projects down the line.

“The Man Who Sold The World” is indeed a sad guitar song that you must learn.

33. “Stay With Me” by Sam Smith

Stay With Me” is a heart-wrenching tune performed by the remarkable artist Sam Smith.

The very first time you listen to it, it’s easy to appreciate its incredible melancholic tone.

Its captivating guitar chords stand out, making it perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn how to play.

Authentic pain and longing are expressed through Smith’s profound lyrics, which touch the heart deeply.

Sam Smith - Stay With Me (Official Music Video)

The song revolves around the theme of pleading for companionship, which is a universal experience that several can connect to.

The simplicity of its structure and the honesty in its theme make it a must-learn song on the guitar for budding artists.

By learning “Stay With Me”, beginners will not just understand the powerful emotion that music can convey, but also improve their guitar playing skills.

Sam Smith’s vocal prowess, coupled with his raw emotional delivery, make this song unforgettable, even more so when played on the guitar.

“Stay With Me” is one of those sad guitar songs that beginners must learn in their initial guitar journey.

34. “Imagine” by John Lennon

The “Imagine” song represents one of John Lennon’s most iconic works.

John Lennon, a member of the world-renowned Beatles, released the song as a solo artist, showing a different side to his music craft.

The song lyrics present a world of peace, without borders, religions, or possessions, delivering a universal message of unity.

“Imagine” is a delicate piece that is fitting for newly-established guitar players, featuring just a handful of chords.

Its melancholy mood suits the theme of ‘Sad Guitar Songs for Beginners.’

Imagine: John Lennon

Its simplicity and depth manage to capture the attention of listeners and musicians alike.

Lennon’s songwriting abilities blend beautifully with his intentional simplicity, plain language, and emotional resonance.

In learning to play “Imagine,” beginners will undoubtedly gain a deeper understanding of song construction and melody progression.

This song provides a chance to practice chord changes and transitions gently, perfect for starters.

Through playing and understanding “Imagine”, newcomers can appreciate the charm and subtlety contained within a relatively uncomplicated song composition.

35. “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division

Joy Division’s song “Love Will Tear Us Apart” is a crucial part of any beginner guitarist’s library.

This post-punk classic is not only poignant but also simple enough for beginners to pick up.

Written by the band’s frontman, Ian Curtis, the song’s melancholic lyrics echo unspoken pain and tension.

The delicate balance of despair and longing in the song offers a special kind of solace to its listeners.

The song uses relatable chord progressions, making it more accessible for beginner guitarists.

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

Despite its relative simplicity, playing this song can deepen your understanding of musical structure and songwriting.

“Love Will Tear Us Apart” has a timeless quality that continues to resonate with listeners

As a sad guitar song for beginners, learning to play this classic can provide a great foundation.

While practicing the song, you gradually learn how to channel emotion through music.

The haunting lyrics paired with the simple melody create a deep, emotional impact.

In one’s guitar journey, it’s invaluable to learn songs that evoke such raw emotion and depth.

36. “Numb” by Linkin Park

Numb” is a remarkable track from the band Linkin Park.

The lyrics tell a story of feeling marginalized and misunderstood, a theme many can relate to.

This song showcases Linkin Park’s ability to blend rock and electronic elements, creating a unique sound.

Linkin Park’s lead vocalist, Chester Bennington, delivers an emotionally charged performance in “Numb”.

The song’s sparse guitar melody is easy to pick up for beginners, yet deeply satisfying to play.

Numb (Official Music Video) [4K UPGRADE] – Linkin Park

“Numb” encapsulates Linkin Park’s signature sound and honest lyricism.

The song’s relatable lyrics and catchy melody have resonated with listeners worldwide.

This track is a great choice for beginners, as it offers a balance between technicality and emotional expression.

Ultimately, “Numb” is a heartfelt song that many beginner guitarists should aspire to learn.

Understanding the song’s meaning can help aspiring guitarists connect more deeply with the music.

Despite its seemingly somber tone, “Numb” has an underlying air of hope which adds depth to its appeal.

37. “Let It Be” by The Beatles

The song “Let It Be” is by the iconic British band, The Beatles.

Paul McCartney, one of the Beatles, wrote this emotionally resonant song.

He penned it during a period of intense personal turmoil for the band.

“Let It Be” is recognized for its hauntingly beautiful melody and poignant lyrics.

The track features a sad, yet hopeful guitar line that captures the essence of the entire song.

Let It Be (Remastered 2009)

As a beginner guitar player, it is a must-learn due to its beautiful simplicity.

The lyrics revolve around encouraging the listener to accept life’s hardships and believe that a brighter future lies ahead.

“Let It Be” is ideal for beginners not just due to its easier chords but also due to its significant emotive quality.

It serves as a wonderful introduction towards learning how to capture emotional depths in music making.

Even after decades, the song remains a fundamental addition to a learning guitarist’s repertoire.

Practicing “Let It Be” allows beginners to work on their chord transitions while also learning to deliver emotion through their performance.

38. “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a remarkable song by the famous rock band Queen.

The band’s lead vocalist Freddie Mercury wrote this iconic song.

Unlike many sad guitar songs, it transcends simple categorization, incorporating a variety of musical styles.

It has operatic sections, hard rock elements, and reflective, melancholic lyrics.

The song is structured in various sections— unlike the typical verse-chorus format.

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video Remastered)

The song’s diversity challenges many guitar beginners, but it is a valuable piece to learn.

Its lyrical content alone can provoke deep emotions.

The song discusses themes of confusion, regret, and the longing for redemption.

For novice guitarists looking to expand their repertoire, “Bohemian Rhapsody” is an ideal choice.

While it may seem difficult, learning this song provides a rich learning experience challenging one’s musical boundaries.

39. “I Miss You” by Blink 182.

Blink 182 is a punk rock band renowned for their fast melodies and emotional lyrics.

Among their numerous hits, “I Miss You” stands out as a song laden with pain and longing.

The nostalgic track is perfect for beginner guitarists due to its straightforward chord progression.

It offers an excellent opportunity for amateurs to practice both rhythm and lead parts.

blink-182 - I Miss You (Official Video)

Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge, the band’s vocalists, switch back and forth throughout the song, depicting two perspectives of a disintegrated relationship.

The lyrics of “I Miss You” carry such raw, visceral emotions that listeners can easily relate and feel a connection.

The stripped-down guitar work perfectly complements the lyrics and encourages the song’s melancholic mood.

I Miss You” can be a rewarding song to learn, allowing beginners to truly experience the connection between emotion and music.

40. “Something” by George Harrison

George Harrison, famously known for being a part of the legendary band The Beatles, wrote the song “Something”.

His songwriting skills shined in this particular song, displaying his ability to write deep and emotional lyrics.

The song appeals to beginner guitarists because of its simple chord progression and remarkable melody.

Yet, despite its simplicity, “Something” manages to carry a depth of sadness and longing that makes it a perfect fit for our list.

The Beatles - Something

Harrison’s guitar work in the song is quite notable, especially the soulful lead guitar lines.

These are not overly complex, making them a good learning challenge for novice guitar players.

Apart from the guitar elements, Harrison’s poignant lyrics add a distinct layer of melancholy to the song.

This makes for an interesting study of how lyrical content can enhance the emotional depth of a simple guitar melody.

“Something” is truly a great example of sad guitar music that beginners can learn and play.

41. “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd

“Comfortably Numb” is a noteworthy song by Pink Floyd.

This emotive track is an excellent choice for a beginner guitar player who appreciates melancholic tones.

The sad quality of the song is conveyed by the guitar’s haunting melodies.

Learning this song can give one a feel for the evocative realms Pink Floyd is known for.

Pink Floyd - Comfortably numb

The band is renowned for their deep storytelling and introspective songwriting.

As you learn “Comfortably Numb,” you are stepping into a space that is unique to Pink Floyd.

The iconic guitar solo in this track is a great introduction to the world of lead guitar playing.

The eerie lyrics paired with the sad guitar sound creates a song that lingers long after it has ended.

“Comfortably Numb” will be a perfect addition to your repertoire of sad guitar songs.

42. “Hey Jude” by The Beatles

The song “Hey Jude” by The Beatles is noted for its melancholic guitar melody.

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, collectively known as The Beatles, are the creators of this unforgettable tune.

Despite diverse interpretations of the song, it commonly serves as a source of solace and comfort for the listeners.

Involved with the composition of “Hey Jude” is primarily Paul McCartney, who sought to console John Lennon’s son, Julian, after his parents’ divorce.

The Beatles - Hey Jude

The beautiful mix of sad guitar chords paired with the tender lyrics makes it a fitting piece for wayfarers of heartache.

For those in the initial stages of learning the guitar, the chord progression of “Hey Jude” is straightforward and easy to pick up.

Novices can enhance their skills and cultivate musical expression by trying their hand at this song.

Undeniably, “Hey Jude” by The Beatles earns a spot in the playlist of sad guitar songs for beginners to learn.

43. “Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who

“Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who, is a soul-stirring classic rock ballad.

This 1971 release is adored by both listeners and guitarists for its profound and heartfelt lyrics combined with an intricate guitar arrangement.

Featuring in the band’s fifth studio album, ‘Who’s Next‘, it’s a song perfect for beginner guitarists.

The lyrics sketch a distinctive narrative about loneliness which resonates deeply with anyone who’s ever felt misunderstood or cast aside.

What makes this song accessible for beginners is its simple chord progression, perfect for those still getting their bearings on the fretboard.

The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (HQ)

It starts gently with an emotive acoustic guitar intro, eventually progressing into an assertive and energized electric guitar-centric rock piece.

This unique structure serves as a great learning resource for beginners hoping to expand their range beyond basic chord structures.

Learning this song, beginners can explore the artistry in dynamics and tempo shifts which are invaluable skills for any budding musician.

Lead Vocalist Roger Daltrey’s soulful vocal delivery coupled with the song’s melodic guitar lines make it a must-learn for any guitar beginner.

While learning to play “Behind Blue Eyes,” beginners will not just be mastering a classic song, but they’ll be stepping into a piece of musical history.

44. “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin

The “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin is considered one of the often-covered songs by beginner guitarists.

Written and performed by Led Zeppelin, a high-caliber British rock band, this song remains a favorite, especially among those starting with guitar lessons.

The complex guitar riffs and arpeggios of the song offer sufficient challenge for novice guitarists, enhancing their understanding of melodies and scales.

Despite its length of around eight minutes, the song has been admired for its ability to maintain interest throughout.

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven (Official Audio)

The song – separated into various sections – features acoustic picking in the beginning, electric riffs in the middle, and an intense solo towards the end.

While being a technical challenge, it also gives a great deal of satisfaction once a beginner is able to play it through.

The song tells a story of hope and yearning, which is strongly conveyed through the guitar’s tones – a beautiful tool for beginners learning to channel emotions through music.

Thus, “Stairway to Heaven” is not just about mastering the technique, but also about understanding the depth of music.

Learning to play it can indeed feel like a journey – a climb up the musical stairway towards becoming a skilled guitarist.

45. “The Sound of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel

“The Sound of Silence” is a renowned song by the American folk-rock duo, Simon & Garfunkel.

In terms of its melodic composition, the song employs a simple and uncluttered arrangement, making it a good choice for beginners learning to play the guitar.

Delivered in Paul Simon’s soothing vocals, the lyrics depict a journey into a dreamlike world veiled in silence.

This introspective piece leaves ample room for interpretation, prompting the listener to engage in a reflective mental exercise.

With its profound lyrics and serene melody, this song has been covered by various artists across different generations, testament to its enduring appeal.

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds of Silence (Audio)

While it stands strongly on its own, the song, when accompanied by the guitar, acquires a deeply soul-stirring quality.

Known for their harmonious guitar-play and poetic lyrics, Simon & Garfunkel’s songs are excellent learning materials for beginners.

Learning to play “The Sound of Silence” can be a stepping stone towards mastering sad, contemplative guitar music.

Not only does it teach novice guitarists about melody creation, but also it initiates them into the practice of conveying emotions through music.

The song’s simplicity allows beginners to learn and understand the emotional depth that can be achieved through skilful guitar playing.

46. “I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith

The song “I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith is more than a standard rock ballad.

Written by Diane Warren, the song takes listeners on a journey of intense longing and profound love.

The prominent use of guitars adds a level of raw emotion and depth to the song.

Steven Tyler’s distinct voice and powerful delivery further amplify the emotion, making the song deeply resonant.

Aerosmith - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Official HD Video)

This song is distinctive in Aerosmith’s discography, representing a relatively softer and more sentimental side to the band.

For a beginner guitar player, “I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing” can be a great start due to its simple yet effective chords.

Learning this song on the guitar not only introduces the users to the basics of chord progression and finger placement but also helps develop emotional connection with the music.

The lyrical depth of the song allows novice guitarists to understand and convey the intensity and passion inherent in music.

While it’s not overly complex, mastering this song can be a significant confidence booster for any aspiring guitarist.

47. “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak

Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” is a captivating guitar song that beginner guitarists should consider learning.

Its dramatic melody and somber lyrics notably contribute to its distinguishing charm.

Isaak’s plaintiff vocals flow seamlessly with the melancholic guitar tune, creating an unforgettable mix of hurt and longing.

The rich guitar tone in the song offers a great starting point for beginners looking to hone their skills.

Wicked Game - Single Edit - Official Music Video

“Wicked Game” is not just a memorable tune but it is also an excellent song for strengthening guitarists’ fundamentals.

Not to mention, it provides amateur players the opportunity to work on their fingerstyle technique due to its intricate guitar work.

Learning to play “Wicked Game” can help newbies to better understand chord progression, a key element in guitar playing.

Lastly, this song’s timeless appeal and emotionally charged performance make it a must-learn for every aspiring guitarist.

48. “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias

“Hero” by Enrique Iglesias is a must-learn for beginners who are drawn to sad guitar songs.

Enrique Iglesias, the artist behind this song, is known for his melodic and emotional music.

His songs resonate with his listeners due to their relatable themes and storytelling lyrics, and “Hero” is no exception.

“Hero” stands out in the realm of sad guitar songs not only because of its memorable melody, but because of its moving lyrics.

Enrique Iglesias - Hero

These lyrics focus on unrequited love, a common theme in many sad songs that beginners can relate to and convey on guitar.

The song is crafted in a way that it is simple yet poignant, making it a great piece for beginner guitar players to learn and play.

Furthermore, “Hero” offers beginner guitarists a chance to work on their chord changes and strumming techniques, as the song employs a tender and consistent rhythm.

In the realm of sad guitar songs, “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias is definitely one to learn for beginners.

49. “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses

“November Rain” is a track by the infamous rock band, Guns N’ Roses.

This song is noteworthy for beginners due to the iconic guitar solo, which is easy to pick up.

Its melancholic melody is a reflection of its sad and emotive lyrics.

Beginners might find guitarist Slash’s lead parts interesting to learn and replicate.

Its intricate combination of classical and rock styles is a learning curve for many beginners.

A full orchestra accompanies the band in this song, providing an interesting mix of sounds.

Guns N' Roses - November Rain

This powerful ballad is a chance for guitarists to practice their lead technique thoroughly.

Written in a major key, it still conveys a sense of profound sadness, characteristic of the band’s unique style.

The song speaks to the universal experience of heartbreak, a common theme in many sad guitar songs.

The intricate guitar parts allow beginners to challenge themselves,

while the emotional depth of the lyrics helps them connect with the music.

If a beginner is looking to improve their guitar skills while playing a classic rock ballad, “November Rain” is a perfect pick.

50. “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion

Céline Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Official 25th Anniversary Alternate Music Video)

51. “I’m With You” by Avril Lavigne

Section 51 introduces the song “I’m With You” by Avril Lavigne.

Best known for her punky aberformance, Avril Lavigne is a Canadian singer and songwriter.

This song is one of her most emotional tracks, offering a soft and brooding contrast to her usual upbeat pop-rock sound.

The song showcases Avril’s vocal prowess, with a heartfelt delivery that connects easily with listeners.

The lyrics are compelling; they depict feelings of loneliness and longing.

Avril Lavigne - I'm With You (Official Video)

The down-tempo beat and lamenting guitar riffs make this song an excellent choice for beginners looking for sad guitar songs to learn.

Layered acoustic guitars create a strong musical base that is easy to pick up.

Furthermore, the accompaniment of piano and string highlights the sadness of the song and makes it even more appealing.

In it’s essence, “I’m With You” is an affirming piece which acknowledges feelings of confusion, and bridges the gap between the listener and the artist.

If you’re a beginner guitarist who wants to explore the world of sad songs, this one, with its simple yet effective guitar parts, is a must-learn.

52. “I Will Wait” by Mumford & Sons

The song “I Will Wait” is by the English folk band Mumford & Sons.

As a formation, they’re known for their distinct, heartfelt acoustic sounds and the raw emotion they bring to their tracks.

Their songwriting approach often merges personal storytelling with well-crafted melodies.

In “I Will Wait”, their sincerity and skillful musicality shine through.

The song carries a sad yet hopeful tone, suitable for beginners in guitar due to its simplicity.

The standout guitar moments are easily identifiable and make the song a gratifying piece to learn.

I Will Wait - Mumford and Sons

Lyrically, the song explores themes of longing, patience, and unconditional love.

Their lead singer, Marcus Mumford, delivers these messages with convincing gentleness.

The lyrics have a universal appeal and can resonate with listeners going through similar emotions.

The core of the song’s appeal lies in its authentic lyrics and heartfelt delivery.

For guitar beginners looking to learn a classic sad song, “I Will Wait” is a great starting point.

It gives them the opportunity to learn a well-loved song while also expanding their emotional range on the instrument.

53. “I Want to Know What Love Is” by Foreigner

“I Want to Know What Love Is” is a gripping song from the British-American band, Foreigner.

Written in 1984, this melodic rock ballad taps into the emotional experiences that come with the quest to understand love.

The song’s lyrics are both deep and touching which helps create a genuine connection with listeners.

Mick Jones, the band’s lead guitarist, penned this song, reflecting his personal quest for love.

The song’s composition starts soft with a piano playing alongside Jones’s gentle voice, gradually building up to a layered, sweeping chorus.

Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is (Official Music Video)

Its ivory tinkling and guitar melodies express an intense, raw vulnerability that aligns with the lyrics’ woeful longing for love.

Focusing on lyrics like “In my life, there’s been heartache and pain, I don’t know if I can face it again” gives beginners a chance to improve their emotional expression through music.

Going by the song structure, beginner guitarists can gain a lot by learning to play this Foreigner’s classic.

With its slow pace and simple chord progression, it’s an excellent choice for those starting their guitar journey.

As a sad guitar song, this allows beginners to embrace the emotiveness of music while honing their skills.

54. “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Bob Dylan

“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” is a classic song by American legend Bob Dylan.

Written in 1973, this song is part of the soundtrack for the movie “Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid”.

The signature of this sad guitar song is its simple yet profound lyrics and beautiful melody.

It’s perfect for beginners because it’s not too complex with just four chords- G, D, Am, and C.

Bob Dylan - Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Official Audio)

Despite its simplicity, the song conveys powerful emotions with its gentle rhythm and Dylan’s unique voice.

Lyrically, it deals with death and the desire to find peace, hence knocking on heaven’s door, in a rather somber way.

The song has been covered by numerous artists since its release, but Dylan’s original version is still considered by many as the best.

The beauty in its simplicity makes “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” an absolute must-learn for any beginner guitarist.

Learning this song will not only build your guitar skills but also introduce you to the depth and diversity in Dylan’s music.

55. “Moondance” by Van Morrison

Deviating slightly from the melancholic theme, “Moondance” by Van Morrison is known for its rhythmic and upbeat tune.

The artist, Van Morrison, is an esteemed figure in the music industry, renowned for his soulful vocal delivery and diverse genre influences.

“Moondance” is a standout track, popular for its jazzy undertones and infectious energy, making it unusual in the realm of ‘sad guitar songs’.

However, alongside the song’s energy, it carries a haunting quality in its beautiful lyricism, painting vivid imagery of a moonlit dance.

This combination of energy and emotion makes it an interesting choice for beginner guitar players.

Van Morrison - Moondance

The melody is straightforward yet satisfying to play, offering a welcome challenge for new musicians.

It’s also an excellent song to develop a better understanding of progressions and rhythm.

Though it’s not typically labelled as ‘sad’, “Moondance” carries a potent wave of nostalgia and longing in its lyrics.

This hints at a melancholic undertone skillfully weaved into the song, adding depth to its outwardly upbeat guise.

Ultimately, learning to play “Moondance” offers beginners a chance to explore different emotional layers in music, making it a must-learn piece in this context.

56. “Clocks” by Coldplay

The Coldplay song “Clocks” is the 56th edition in this study of sad guitar songs for beginners.

A murmuring piano melody gives way to a rhythmic guitar line, providing a platform for Chris Martin’s heart-rending lyrics.

The song unfolds gradually, with each chord and every lyric adding another layer of melancholic beauty.

“Clocks” holds a lot of emotional resonance not only to the band but also to their fan base, becoming one of their most iconic tracks.

Coldplay - Clocks (Official Video)

Chris Martin’s lyrics discuss feelings of desperation and confusion, often relatable to many, making this song heavily revered.

Yet, for all its sad undertones, “Clocks” is a song that can inspire you to reflect and feel less alone in your struggles.

If you’re a beginner to guitar, learning to play this song can not only improve your skills but also evoke a deep emotional connection to the music.

Even though it might seem complex at first glance, the guitar part of “Clocks” is readily approachable for beginners.

Strumming along to this song, you’ll discover a newfound appreciation for Coldplay’s music and their capacity to stir emotion.

57. “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls

One song that stands out on our list is “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls.

This track showcases complex, emotional themes and uses string instruments, including the guitar, to convey these feelings.

Released in 1998, this song has become one of the most recognizable works of the Goo Goo Dolls.

These American rock veterans are known for their emotionally raw lyrics combined with driving guitar riffs.

“Iris” is a perfect demonstration of their signature style, with a strong emphasis on guitar-work.

Goo Goo Dolls – Iris [Official Music Video] [4K Remaster]

While the original song features a mixture of electric and acoustic guitar, it can be adapted for beginners by focusing on the main melody.

The song offers a heart-rending narrative, conveyed through the distinctive voice of lead vocalist, Johnny Rzeznik.

As a guitar-playing beginner learning “Iris”, you can explore the world of emotive storytelling through music.

While learning this song, take note of the emotional depth that can be reached through simple chord progressions.

For those just starting out with guitar, “Iris” from Goo Goo Dolls would be a great addition to your practice routine.

58. “Heaven” by Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams, who needs no introduction, is the brilliant mind behind the touching guitar song “Heaven.”

This sorrowful ballad is a cornerstone of Adams’ musical legacy, enthralling audiences with its emotive, gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics.

What makes “Heaven” stand out is its simplicity; with only a few chords, beginners can easily delve into the world of sad guitar songs.

Heaven” tells a tale of love and longing, with Adams’ raw vocals adding to its emotional appeal.

Bryan Adams - Heaven

Adams’ guitar work in the song is beautifully soothing, making it a must-learn on a beginner’s journey mastering the instrument.

The song is a perfect introduction to the wealth of emotions that guitar music can evoke and express.

Those beginning to learn guitar will find its slow tempo and chord progression a perfect entry point for mastering the instrument.

Moreover, “Heaven” provides an excellent platform for beginners to increase their understanding of melody construction and song arrangement.

Thus, Bryan Adams’ “Heaven” is an essential song for beginner guitar players keen on exploring the realm of mournful melodies.

59. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana

Undoubtedly, one of the most iconic grunge songs ever created is “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana.

Conceived by Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and Dave Grohl, this track shook the music landscape during the 90s.

This song’s distinctive guitar riff – simple yet unforgettably intense – reverberates throughout its duration.

For guitar beginners who harbor a penchant for grunge, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is phenomenal.

With its easy chord progression and palpable emotional expression, it’s perfect for novice instrumentalists.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)

The lyricism of Cobain in this track, while cryptic, brims with melancholy and frustration – it encapsulates the essence of Nirvana’s music.

Even without looking into particular lyrics, the raw emotional impact of the song is felt in every strum and beat.

From the opening harsh guitar riff to the chaotic drums, it captures the spirit of rebellion associated with Nirvana.

“Smells Like Teen Spirit”, in the end, is a valuable addition to any beginner guitarist’s song-learning list.

As a sad guitar song, it is a genuine portrayal of emotional depth and anguished sentiments embedded in the rich tapestry of grunge music.

60. “Every Breath You Take” by The Police

“Every Breath You Take” by The Police is a melancholic guitar song perfect for beginners.

Its main contributor, Sting, employs his deft songwriting skills for a tune full of longing and yearning.

Although the song garners widespread recognition, some listeners misconstrue the song as a simple love song.

In actuality, “Every Breath You Take” is a haunting surveillance tale concerning a man’s obsession.

The song conveys the story through its minimalistic yet melancholic guitar licks which are beginner-friendly.

The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video)

These guitar riffs, despite their seeming simplicity, deliver deep and profound emotions.

Combined with the contemplative lyrics, the song becomes an essential inclusion to any beginner’s repertoire.

Learning “Every Breath You Take” provides beginners with an expanse of techniques and expressions in the realm of somber storytelling.

Beyond its mainstream popularity, it’s a tune that showcases the beauty of sadness in music.

Thus, learning this song allows beginners to explore expressing complex emotions through their music.

61. “Perfect Day” by Lou Reed

Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” is an exquisite example of a sad guitar song suitable for beginners.

This beautiful and melancholic track from his second studio album, “Transformer” displays Reed’s talent for straightforward, yet deeply emotional songwriting.

The haunting quality of the song is emphasized by the slow, soothing guitar strums, making it a wonderful song for beginners to learn and appreciate.

Lou Reed - Perfect Day (Official Audio)

Reed’s musical sensibilities shine through in “Perfect Day”, combining moving lyrics with a simple, accessible guitar part.

The gentle rhythm of the song paired with its deep, resonant undertones provide a wonderful opportunity for guitar beginners to develop their skills.

Moreover, “Perfect Day” also captures the essence of Lou Reed’s emotional depth, making it a must-learn song for anyone interested in exploring the artistry of his music.

Whether you’re a fan of Reed’s work or a beginner guitarist looking to expand your repertoire with emotionally charged pieces, “Perfect Day” should be high on your list.

62. “Here With Me” by Dido

“Here With Me” is a song by British singer-songwriter Dido.

Being the lead single from her debut album ‘No Angel’, the song showcases Dido’s unique, ethereal vocal style.

The lyrics discuss a longing for someone’s presence, making it an emotional roller-coaster for listeners.

However, the guitar chords and progressions are very beginner-friendly.

This song consists primarily of four simple chords: Em, C, G, and D.

Meaning, it’s a perfect selection for beginning guitarists seeking to learn a melancholic song.

Dido - Here with Me (Official Video)

The melody provides an excellent platform for beginners to practice their chord switching and rhythm timings.

Despite its simplicity, the composition has enough depth to keep even more experienced guitar players interested.

Not to mention, it’s a hit among fans, which can make your practice sessions more enjoyable.

While practicing “Here With Me”, beginners can delve into Dido’s soulful universe.

Through learning this song, a novice can not only cultivate their playing skills but also develop an appreciation for melancholic music.

The song’s raw emotional quality provides an important lesson for beginners on how simplicity can evoke deep feelings.

Hopefully, “Here With Me” will encourage you to explore more of Dido’s exceptional work.

63. “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon

Their song, “Use Somebody,” is a perfect fit for the category of sad guitar songs for beginners.

The song’s melodious rhythm and soulful lyrics make it a go-to choice for many aspiring guitarists.

Adopting Kings of Leon’s “Use Somebody,” into your early learning repertoire can provide you with key experiences in broadening your musical horizon.

Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody (Official Video)

By learning to play “Use Somebody,” beginners can add to their growing array of songs while also experiencing a profound combination of rock and raw emotion.

The song’s heartfelt lyrics narrate a lonely yearning for the comfort and presence of others, which many budding musicians find relatable.

Although the song’s lyrical content is deeply moving, the guitarplay is beginner-friendly and will not overwhelm those trying to learn.

From a musical perspective, “Use Somebody,” by Kings of Leon presents beginners with a beautiful and accessible challenge.

64. “Under the Bridge” by Red Hot Chili Peppers

“Under the Bridge” is a track by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

It comes from their fifth studio album, “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”.

The song became one of the band’s most recognizable and popular tracks.

Music-wise, it is known for its distinctive guitar riff that serves as its melody.

The song’s lyrical content also got attention, as it explores themes of loneliness and longing.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge [Official Music Video]

It is said to be a reflection of the lead singer’s, Anthony Kiedis, emotional state during a difficult period in his life.

The incorporation of emotion in the song makes “Under the Bridge” particularly compelling for beginner guitarists who are trying to develop thier emotional expression through music.

Also, its simplistic guitar chords makes it quite accessible for new guitar players.

However, the song’s structure can be somewhat complex, offering a welcome challenge for those looking to improve their skills.

Learning “Under the Bridge” can therefore be a great way for beginners to expand their musical prowess while playing a song that deeply resonates with many.

65. “How to Save a Life” by The Fray

You’re now tuning into “How to Save a Life” by The Fray.

This is a song with a deep, emotional narrative that will leave an imprint on your heart.

The Fray, the Denver-based band behind this track, specialize in infusing their music with a mixture of melancholy and hope.

Isaac Slade, the talented lead vocalist, delivers a compelling performance that grounds the song.

While the lyrics are open to interpretation, they generally revolve around the struggle to help someone in a dire situation.

The Fray - How to Save a Life (Official Video)

This track’s chords aren’t too complex, making it great for beginners on the guitar.

The guitar work is mostly rooted in the rhythm, giving it a steady, heartbeat-like feel.

The chorus is particularly notable, with emotive energy that’s palpable even to novice guitarists.

The soft, aching notes of the guitar paired with Slade’s haunting lyrics make this track one to remember.

Playing “How to Save a Life” on the guitar can be a great therapeutic outlet for expressions of sadness and longing.

66. “Just the Way You Are” by Billy Joel

“Just the Way You Are” is a beautiful song written and performed by American artist Billy Joel.

The song, released as part of Joel’s 1977 album “The Stranger”, offers comforting, heartfelt lyrics.

Billy Joel’s writing showcases his ability to create melodies that are both captivating and easy to follow, making it an ideal piece for beginners.

The melancholic feel of the chorus, paired with the graceful guitar, makes it ideal for the theme of our list: sad guitar songs for beginners.

Billy Joel - Just the Way You Are (Audio)

More so, the sweet simplicity of the melody allows beginners to easily grasp the song, while also tapping into the emotional depth of the music.

The lyrics, “I love you just the way you are” resonate deeply, adding to the song’s somber tone.

The song’s musical composition is both endearing and easy to pick up, making it a wonderful choice for novice guitarists seeking to add emotive pieces to their repertoire.

Additionally, Joel’s iconic piano skills influenced the chord progressions in the song, meaning that guitar players will have the opportunity to try something a little different from typical guitar music.

Ultimately, the song’s accessibility and emotional resonance make it an important addition for a beginner guitarist looking to branch out into more emotive pieces.

67. “With a Little Help from My Friends” by Joe Cocker

Beginning with a strong bass line followed by the entry of Cocker’s distinguished voice, “With a Little Help from My Friends” draws attention instantly.

This “rock and blues” version, compared to the original Beatles pop-tune, portrays a deep level of sadness.

Famed for his soulful performance, Joe Cocker reinterprets this song in a unique way, adding his personal touch of pain and desperation.

Noticeably, Cocker’s gritty vocal approach seamlessly blends with the haunting guitar riffs, making it feel like an echo of a broken heart.

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (Live)

It’s a perfect fit for beginners as the guitar notes are easy to follow, allowing them to truly capture the essence of the song.

The emotional depth conveyed through this song envelops listeners, stirring their inner sentiments.

This song, unlike many, has a clear narrative that moves beyond a simple serenade of heartache, making it both meaningful and relatable.

“With a Little Help from My Friends” serves as an excellent practice, especially for those seeking to express their emotions through their guitar playing.

Lastly, it substantiates the fact that a deeper connection can be developed between the guitar player and their audience, once they start playing with feelings.

68. “Crying” by Roy Orbison

The next song on our list, “Crying” by Roy Orbison, is a poignant exploration of heartbreak and longing.

Roy Orbison, known for his smooth, emotion-packed voice and his meticulous songwriting, evokes a deep sense of melancholy in “Crying”.

The song revolves around the theme of lost love, a subject that practically anyone can relate to in some capacity.

Delicately strung together, the combination of Orbison’s passionate vocals and the gentle guitar accompaniment culminates in an incredibly moving experience for both the listener and the performer.

Roy Orbison - Crying (Monument Concert 1965)

In terms of technicality, “Crying” may not be the most intricate song for a beginner, but its raw emotional content demands a certain level of maturity from the guitarist.

As a beginner, practicing this song will challenge your expression through the guitar, which is an essential skill for any musician.

The guitar chords in “Crying” are relatively simple, using mainly basic major and minor chords, making it accessible for beginners.

“Crying” is an excellent song for guitar beginners to learn as it beautifully blends emotional depth with technical simplicity.

69. “Earth Angel” by The Penguins

The 1954 song “Earth Angel” by The Penguins is an ideal track for beginners learning sad guitar songs.

Despite its age, it remains a favorite choice for learners due to its simple composition.

The Penguins are an American doo-wop band and their music still resonates with many today.

Their music style is characterized by harmonious melodies, a clear structure, and easily learnable guitar parts.

The Penguins - Earth Angel

The song, “Earth Angel,” can be a heartening introduction to playing melancholic songs on the guitar.

Some believe this song describes a cherished yet lost love.

It has a slow tempo which is suitable for beginners and the chords progression is easy to follow.

The sorrowful melody and emotional lyrics make it the perfect song for those looking to explore sad music on guitar.

Songs like “Earth Angel” inspire beginners to continue their musical journey on guitar, exploring various genres and emotions.

70. “Purple Rain” by Prince

“Purple Rain” by Prince is a deeply poignant and emotional song that appeals to both guitar beginners and music enthusiasts.

Released in 1984, this song has since become one of Prince’s most iconic songs and is a showcase of his musical prowess.

It is not overly complex for beginners, featuring a straightforward chord progression that can be easily practiced by newbies.

Despite its relative simplicity, “Purple Rain” packs an emotional punch that resonates well with many listeners.

It’s also a great track for guitar technique practice, letting beginners explore range and dynamics without undue difficulty.

Prince - Purple Rain (Official Video)

Prince’s melodic and textural richness in this song provides endless inspiration for beginner guitar players.

The song exhibits raw emotion displayed through Prince’s impressive guitar work and distinctive singing style.

Learning “Purple Rain” will provide beginners not only technical skills, but also a deep emotional connection to music.

Thus, it’s not just a song but a lesson in expressing emotion through guitar playing.

Every aspiring guitar player should have “Purple Rain” in their beginner’s repertoire.

71. “I Fall to Pieces” by Patsy Cline

“I Fall to Pieces” is a classic song by the iconic country singer Patsy Cline.

Though not strictly a guitar song, the mood and lyrics lend themselves well to an emotional acoustic rendition.

The song is known for its heart-wrenching sentiment as it narrates the struggle of trying to let go of a past love.

Cline’s vocals exhibit a deep emotional rawness that resonates with anyone who’s been in love.

For beginners, it provides an opportunity to experiment with expressive finger picking patterns.

Patsy Cline -- I Fall To Pieces

This song has a basic chord structure that any novice guitar player can master with some practice.

Moreover, the simplicity of its progressions allows for great tonal variety depending on how you choose to strum or finger pick.

Focusing on emoting the song’s dolorous resonance will help novice guitar players build upon expressiveness while playing.

The song’s timeless quality and its poignant narrative of heartbreak make it an essential addition to any beginner’s repertoire of sad guitar songs.

Patsy Cline’s delivery is unique, which makes “I fall to Pieces” a potentially rich learning experience for any eager novice.

Above all, this song drives home the fact that sometimes, less is more.

72. “Tangled Up In Blue” by Bob Dylan

When considering sad guitar songs for beginners, “Tangled Up In Blue” by Bob Dylan is a noteworthy choice.

Released in 1975, the song is acclaimed for its lyrical depth and musical simplicity, making it a suitable selection for beginners.

Dylan’s poignant narrative weaves a tale of lost love and lingering regret, nuanced with his signature storytelling prowess.

This melancholic tune showcases Dylan’s ability to infuse ordinary, everyday experiences with deep emotional resonance.

Bob Dylan - Tangled up in Blue (Official Audio)

“Tangled Up In Blue” is reflective of his early folk rock style, characterized by its melodious guitar parts and raw, heartfelt vocals.

A unique attribute of the song is its ever-evolving iterations; Dylan has manipulating the lyrics during his live performances, ensuring a fresh and unique experience for listeners each time.

Despite being a song conveying sadness, it’s also a song about memory and time, adding a philosophical layer to its melody.

For budding guitarists, learning to play “Tangled Up In Blue” can help them develop expressive storytelling skills through song.

Bob Dylan’s music is renowned for its accessibility and profound lyricism, a combination that makes “Tangled Up In Blue” an excellent song for novice guitar players looking for sad melodies.

73. “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson

“Breakaway” is a song by Kelly Clarkson, released in 2004.

It stands as an inspiring and emotional tune on her second album.

The song portrays a protagonist deciding to take the risk and breakthrough the boundaries of their small town.

Kelly Clarkson, American Idol’s inaugural winner, is widely recognized for her strong vocal capabilities.

She has a knack for delivering emotional and relatable songs, which makes her an inspiring figure for many aspiring artists.

If you’re a beginner learning guitar, this song is a perfect start.

Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (VIDEO)

The melody could prove challenging, but the payoff of mastering it is worth the effort.

“Breakaway”, as a song, contains simple chords paired with Clarkson’s powerful lyrics.

It is sure to pull on the heartstrings of both the performer and the audience.

Although “Breakaway” is not the saddest of songs, it holds a sentimental value reflecting on changes and transitions in life.

It’s a perfect choice for any novice guitarists aiming to resonate with their listeners at a deep emotional level.

Playing “Breakaway” could be an opportunity to express and release your own feelings of wanting to step out of your comfort zone.

74. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel‘s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” is a classic song that beginners can try on the guitar.

Known for their harmonic sound and meaningful lyrics, Simon & Garfunkel are among the most influential musical duos.

The song “Bridge Over Troubled Water” represents offering support during tough times, a theme most people can relate to.

With its slow tempo and straightforward melodies, it’s an excellent choice for beginner guitarists.

The guitar part, though simple, complements the piano-based composition effectively.

Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Audio)

Playing this song as a beginner offers practice on the guitar’s basic chords and patterns.

The song can be made even simpler by using a capo on the first fret.

Practicing it can help beginners become more comfortable with changes in chords and timing.

“Bridge Over Troubled Water” provides guitarists the chance to explore their emotive playing style.

It’s a great starting point for those looking to explore more complex Simon & Garfunkel songs on guitar.

It embodies the duo’s signature sound while being accessible for beginners to learn.

75. “Love Me Tender” by Elvis Presley

“Love Me Tender” is a classic tune by the renowned artist, Elvis Presley.

The song highlights Presley’s delicate and emotional voice which is sure to resonate with beginners.

Elvis Presley, known as the King of Rock and Roll, was a musical prodigy who broke several records during his career.

“Love Me Tender” is one the most notable ballads from his exceptional repertoire.

Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender (Official Audio)

The song features a simple, strummed guitar track that is accessible for beginner musicians.

It’s a heartfelt love song that uses straightforward chords, making it easy to learn for new guitar players.

The lyrical depth of “Love Me Tender” also makes it a great practice piece for those interested in songwriting and lyric interpretation.

This song offers beginners a chance to improve their vocal and guitar skills while enjoying Presley’s timeless music.

76. “Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park

Linkin Park is a renowned band, notable for its distinctive mix of alternative rock, nu metal, and electronic music.

One of their standout tracks is “Breaking the Habit“, which is featured on their second studio album, “Meteora“.

This song deviates from their usual heavy, aggressive style and instead adopts a more melancholic and reflective tone, making it a fitting choice for a list of sad guitar songs for beginners.

The lyrics deal with struggling to change negative patterns and behaviours, thereby breaking the titular ‘habit’.

Breaking the Habit (Official Music Video) [HD UPGRADE] – Linkin Park

Designed with simplicity in mind, “Breaking the Habit” has a straightforward guitar riff, which makes it an accessible song for beginner guitarists to learn and play.

Despite its simplicity, the heartfelt emotions the song captures allow budding musicians to relate on a deeper level, adding sentiment to their play.

Furthermore, learning this track will provide new guitarists with the opportunity to experiment with various playing techniques.

Learning and playing “Breaking the Habit” also offers beginners a chance to connect with Linkin Park’s vast fan base and participate in the band’s musical legacy.

77. “Bittersweet Symphony” by The Verve

The iconic song, “Bittersweet Symphony”, is undeniable in its heart-wrenching beauty.

Performed by The Verve, an English rock band formed in 1990, the song has entranced audiences for decades.

Released in 1997, it’s been a go-to sad guitar song for beginners learning their first chords and riffs.

While its lyrics may be interpreted in various ways, the undeniable sadness songs through.

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

The lead singer, Richard Ashcroft, delivers vocals dripped in despair and resonation, making the song feel deeply personal.

The song’s melody is reliant on an orchestral sampling from The Rolling Stones’ song, “The Last Time.” This, combined with the guitar, adds to its melancholic ambiance.

For beginner guitarists, mastering the song’s catchy repeating riff adds a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, it offers intricate layers and surprising complexity for such a simple chord progression, appealing to beginners who crave a challenge.

Even today, “Bittersweet Symphony” resonates with audiences due to its timeless themes of helplessness and struggle.

78. “All I Want” by Kodaline

“All I Want” by Kodaline is a song that appeals to many aspiring guitar players due to its simplistic guitar chords and emotionally charged lyrics.

Kodaline, an Irish rock band, debut in 2007, are known for delivering songs filled with raw emotions and “All I Want” is no exception.

As a beginner guitarist, this song is an excellent choice with its easy-to-follow strumming pattern and basic chord progression.

The guitar parts are effortlessly intertwined with the melancholic melody, making it an exciting piece to practice and perform.

Kodaline - All I Want (Part 1)

The lyrics of “All I Want” speaks of lost love and despair, evoking emotions that are easily translated through the guitar.

The simple guitar lines and arpeggios at its core, combined with Kodaline’s haunting vocals, bring out the heart-wrenching message of the song.

In terms of playability, beginners should not find it challenging, but rather an enjoyable journey to enhance their guitar skills.

Thus, “All I Want” can serve as a great step forward, with its relatable content and approachable difficulty level, for those just starting to venture into guitar playing.

79. “Crazy” by Patsy Cline

Patsy Cline’s “Crazy” is a timeless piece in the genre of country-pop.

Born as Virginia Patterson Hensley, Cline established herself in the early 1960s as a leading artist in the genre.

“Crazy” was written by Willie Nelson, a renowned singer-songwriter, in 1961.

The song is characterized by its heartfelt, emotive lyrics and is a go-to for beginners learning guitar.

The sad vibes of the song are conveyed through a simple chord progression making it friendly for novice guitarists.

As an artist, Cline’s vocal mastery of deep emotional delivery added a unique touch to the song.

Her ruling emotion, sweet sorrow, is expressed in “Crazy”, making it a perfect connect for those experiencing the same.

The song’s rhythm structure revolves around the narrative of heartbreak, typical to many country-pop classics.

The guitar base of “Crazy” allows beginners ease to mimic and practice.

Learning “Crazy” will undoubtedly give beginners a good foundation in both finger picking and strumming techniques.

80. “Wake Me Up” by Avicii

“Wake Me Up” by Avicii is a standout track in the modern pop scene.

Avicii was a world-renowned Swedish DJ and producer, who sadly passed away in 2018.

This song, released in 2013, quickly became one of his most recognizable tracks.

The heartfelt lyrics of “Wake Me Up” are believed to be about seeking direction and understanding in life, a theme many can relate to.

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)

The song offers a unique blend of electronic music and folk elements, creating a fresh, likable sound.

The guitar part in “Wake Me Up” is another notable aspect, and it’s accessible for beginners due to its repetitive finger-picking pattern.

Taking time to learn this song on the guitar can serve as a beautiful tribute to Avicii.

This sad guitar song can undoubtedly be a meaningful addition to any beginner’s learning repertoire.

While it may be emotional to play, “Wake Me Up” also enhances one’s guitar-playing skills, making it a must-learn.

81. “Skinny Love” by Bon Iver

Bon Iver composed the bitter-sweet song “Skinny Love.”

This distinctive tune showcases an emotion-laden guitar melody that touches the heart.

Skinny Love” is an excellent choice for beginner guitar players who want to explore the realm of melancholic songs.

Justin Vernon, who performs under the stage name Bon Iver, wrote the song during a low point in his life.

The song’s raw honesty combined with its simple yet beautiful guitar accompaniment offers a therapeutic effect both to the listener and the musician.

The lyrics tell a story of a dwindling relationship, which brings out the deep sadness that is a characteristic appeal of this song.

Skinny Love“, in its simplicity, still manages to convey a sense of profound sadness through its melody.

The beauty of “Skinny Love” lies in its ability to connect the listener with the artist’s pain.

Its gentle guitar pattern matches the melancholy theme of the song, making it a ‘must learn’ for novice guitarists interested in sentimental tracks.

It’s one of those songs that, although sad, can warm listeners up with its rich acoustic textures.

For beginner guitarists, this track presents a great opportunity to hone their fingerpicking skills.

82. “Try” by Pink

Pink, born Alecia Beth Moore, drops an emotionally charged track “Try.”

“Try” is an emotional journey encapsulated in a four-minute melody.

This pop-rock anthem is notable for its poignant lyrics and raw performance.

The song revolves around the concept of perseverance and resilience in light of difficulty.

Beginner guitar players will find it relatively simple with a consistent rhythm.

The song’s simple chords offer an ideal platform for beginners to practice strumming.

P!nk - Try (Official Video)

Yet, the song’s appeal doesn’t stop at its musical simplicity, but extends to its emotional depth.

Pink’s soulful voice mixed with the song’s deep lyrics make it a touching piece to perform.

Moreover, the song’s emotional pathos makes it an ideal choice for anyone wanting to convey deep feelings through music.

Several fans have found “Try” relatable due to its universal message of not giving up even when things get tough.

In addition to Pink’s powerful vocals, the song’s guitar accompaniment brings an additional layer of rawness that contributes to its innate sadness.

“Try” is an excellent song for beginners wanting to learn a deeply emotional and meaningful tune on their guitar.

83. “I’m Not The Only One” by Sam Smith

“I’m Not The Only One” is a heartfelt song by the immensely talented Sam Smith.

This track, rich in emotion, remains a popular choice for budding guitarists due to its simple chords and melancholic essence.

Sam Smith’s soul-stirring voice and his profound lyrics work together to create a mood of melancholy that resonates deeply with the audience.

The way Smith sings about unrequited love in this track, enabling listeners to connect with the raw feelings on a personal level, is truly remarkable.

Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One (Official Music Video)

The guitar work in “I’m Not The Only One” is not overly complex, making it accessible to beginners.

Guitar beginners can learn the basic strumming pattern and three essential chords (Bbmaj7, Abmaj7, and Ebmaj7) used in this song to enhance their guitar skills.

Playing along with the song can get the guitarists in-sync with the melodic and rhythmic patterns which are fundamental in mastering guitar techniques.

Furthermore, “I’m Not The Only One” offers beginning guitar players the opportunity to explore the depth of emotions that can be portrayed through music.

Overall, this track is an excellent addition to a beginner guitarist’s repertoire and would certainly help in developing musicality and emotional expression.

84. “One More Light” by Linkin Park

“One More Light” is a poignant and touching song by the American rock band, Linkin Park.

The band is well-known for their dynamic spectrum of music, encompassing different styles from nu-metal to electronic rock, however, this particular song represents a softer, more melancholic side.

“One More Light” was part of their seventh studio album, which was released in 2017.

The song captures the intensely emotional concept of loss and grief, making it a particularly resonating guitar song for beginners.

One More Light [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park

Sadly, its context became even more heart-wrenching when lead singer Chester Bennington took his own life shortly after its release, making the song somewhat of a posthumous tribute to his talent.

The lyrics, deeply poignant, with lines such as ‘who cares when someone’s time runs out’, encourage introspection and empathy about the delicacy of life.

The guitar chord progression is relatively simpler, making the song an ideal choice for beginners who wish to express emotion through their music.

With its simple chords and emotionally gripping subject matter, “One More Light” ultimately becomes a necessary addition to a beginner’s list of sad guitar songs to learn.

85. “Sorry” by Justin Bieber

During his growing years, Justin Bieber gave an emotional performance through his song “Sorry”.

At its core, the song is apologetic in nature, mirroring regret and guilt.

The acoustic guitar in the backdrop sets the mood for the song.

It’s an excellent song for beginners to learn on the guitar, primarily due to the simple chords used.

Justin Bieber - Sorry (PURPOSE : The Movement)

The lyrics offered by Bieber are sincere and touching, making it a raw confession of his missteps.

While Bieber has sung many heart-rending songs, “Sorry” stands apart with its undeniable emotional intensity.

The guitar in this song enhances the emotional narrative; it’s not complex but adds a significant impact to the feel of the song.

Thus, “Sorry” by Justin Bieber is a must-learn song for any beginner wanting to master sad songs on the guitar.

86. “Falling Slowly” by Glen Hansard

“Falling Slowly” is a song by Glen Hansard, a prolific Irish musician whose work spans multiple decades.

Interestingly, Hansard is not just a musician, but also a respected actor in films like ‘The Commitments’ and ‘Once’.

The song “Falling Slowly” was featured in the latter, earned him critical praise and a dedicated fan base.

It’s a piece associated with raw emotion and compelling storytelling, qualities that mark much of Hansard’s music.

The song provides an excellent starting point for beginners learning the guitar.

Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly (Official Video)

Its relatively simple chords and progressions allow for easy comprehension and practice.

Despite its simplicity, “Falling Slowly” manages to convey a deep sense of emotional weight in its lyrics and composition.

Hansard’s unique vocal delivery, ranging from delicate whispers to impassioned shouts, enhances the song’s appeal.

The song’s universality ensures it remains relevant and accessible to listeners and musicians of all skill levels.

“Falling Slowly” showcases a way to create meaningful, emotionally resonant music with a sparse and uncomplicated guitar part.

Hence, it earns its place within the list of sad guitar songs for beginners that you must learn.

87. “When She Loved Me” by Sarah McLachlan

The “Sad Guitar Songs” list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning “When She Loved Me” performed by Sarah McLachlan.

McLachlan’s hauntingly delicate song offers a poignant, emotional experience well-suited for beginner guitarists.

“When She Loved Me” features simple chord structures, making it an accessible song for novices learning the guitar.

Despite its straightforward composition, it provides an opportunity to practice expressive fingerpicking techniques.

When She Loved Me - Sarah McLachlan - Lyrics

The song’s melancholic melody and heartfelt lyrics convey a sense of sadness, echoing the title’s sentiment.

Released as part of the “Toy Story 2” soundtrack, it tells the story of a forgotten toy lamenting the loss of the little girl’s love – a universal theme of lost love and abandonment.

McLachlan’s expressive vocal performance adds an extra layer of emotion, evoking deep feelings in listeners.

Learning to play “When She Loved Me” on the guitar offers fledgling musicians the chance to bring their own emotional interpretation to this moving piece of music.

Sarah McLachlan’s song is a great tune for beginners seeking to expand their repertoire with sad guitar songs.

88. “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers

The song “Unchained Melody” is one that resonates deeply with listeners worldwide.

Despite the complexity of its emotional depth, it’s a piece that beginners in guitar playing can learn with dedication.

The Righteous Brothers, a band known for their smooth harmonies and soulful vocals, originally performed this song.

Yet it’s the hauntingly beautiful melody, hence the title ‘Unchained Melody,’ that truly makes this song stand out.

Pioneers of blue-eyed soul, the Righteous Brothers are adept at adding a stirring quality to their tunes, and ‘Unchained Melody’ is no exception.

Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody [Live - Best Quality] (1965)

This song is a heart-wrenching beautiful ballad that deals with themes of longing and love.

Fret not beginners, although the song may seem complex, the chords used in ‘Unchained Melody’ are beginner friendly and perfect for practice.

The melody follows a pretty standard chord progression, which is a benefit for beginners learning the guitar.

Even if you’re new to guitar playing, ‘Unchained Melody’ is a song that can be played in a simple, yet equally emotive manner.

89. “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban

You Raise Me Up” is a remarkably well-crafted song that showcases very intense feelings of gratitude and hope.

Performed by Josh Groban, his distinctive heartfelt singing enhances the soul-touching sensation of the song.

The song is outfitted with a melody that is layered with beautiful guitar chords, making it beginner-friendly and delightful for guitar enthusiasts to learn.

When starting out, its melodic simplicity provides a great learning ground for aspiring guitarists.

The lyrical profundity of the song presents a deep emotional appeal, making it a favorite among many music lovers.

Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (Official Music Video) [HD Remaster]

Josh Groban’s rich baritone voice creates a resonating balance with the guitar music;

Moreover, the song’s motivational theme gives it a universally relatable quality.

This creates an immersive listening and learning experience for beginners.

“You Raise Me Up” is thus a must-learn song for budding guitarists who are aiming to master their emotional expressiveness side of guitar playing.

It’s also worth noting that learning this song can help beginners enrich their understanding of music in general, and specifically in playing songs with a blend of strong emotions and simple orchestration.

90. “Goodbye My Lover” by James Blunt

James Blunt is a renowned British singer-songwriter, well-known for his emotive, heartfelt music.

One of his most unforgettable tracks is “Goodbye My Lover,” a beautiful ballad written off his 2004 album, “Back to Bedlam”.

Blunt’s simple, yet touching lyrics make this song a perfect pick for beginner guitar players seeking to learn sad songs.

In “Goodbye My Lover”, Blunt gives voice to the agony of saying goodbye to a beloved, setting high standards for emotional guitar songs.

James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover (Official Music Video) [4K]

Absolute simplicity in art is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away, Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said. This song is a clear illustration of this idea.

The song’s gentle, melancholic melody is plucked on a guitar, creating a beautiful, yet heartbreaking soundtrack to the story Blunt is sharing in his lyrics.

The chord progression in “Goodbye My Lover” is relatively straightforward, making it suitable for those just starting out on the guitar.

Moreover, by learning to play this song, beginner guitarists can familiarize themselves with techniques like finger-picking and strumming patterns.

“Goodbye My Lover” is thus a great introductory song for beginners to start their journey with heart-rending guitar music.

91. “I Will Remember You” by Sarah McLachlan

“I Will Remember You” is a soul-stirring ballad by Canadian singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan.

Actively engaging in the music scene since the late 80s, Sarah McLachlan has been recognized for her heartfelt, poignant melodies.

This, song concretely, echoes through you with its sweet, melancholy tones.

Its deeply resonating lyrics about loss and regret result in a touching tribute to a departed loved one.

In the midst of grief, the lyrical ingenuity shines, holding listeners captive to McLachlan’s raw honesty.

sarah mclachlan - i will remember you

The structure of “I Will Remember You” provides an excellent learning ground for beginners on the guitar.

The light strumming pattern and simple chord progressions make it an accessible choice for both novice and talented musicians.

Great focus lies in the emotion of the lyrics, which McLachlan infuses into each note played on the guitar, providing an expressive conduit for beginners to channel their feelings.

For any guitar novice tackling this song, it is the perfect opportunity to hone their ability to weave emotions through a harmonious blend of lyrics and guitar strums.

Despite its sadness, “I Will Remember You” stands as a musical beacon, showing that even the heaviest of emotions can be channeled into beautiful art forms.

92. “Piece by Piece” by Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson is a well-renowned artist, noted for her powerful vocals and emotive lyrics.

“Piece by Piece” is a sad guitar song from her repertoire that offers beginners an opportunity to learn an emotionally resonant tune.

This song tells a profound story, making use of a soft guitar melody paired with Clarkson’s engaging vocals.

Clarkson’s songwriting skills shine in this piece, with lyrics that deliver a raw and vulnerable narrative.

Kelly Clarkson - Piece by Piece

The guitar segments in “Piece by Piece” are not overly complicated, allowing beginners to enjoy the learning process.

Even as a beginner, the player can capture the emotional essence of the song and convey it through the guitar strings.

Moreover, learning to play this song can serve as an outstanding practice in expressing feelings through music.

“Piece by Piece” is not just a song; it’s a lesson in rendering a personal story into a touching melody.

So, if you are starting your guitar journey and want to explore sad songs, “Piece by Piece” by Kelly Clarkson should definitely be on your list.

93. “Half the World Away” by Oasis

Oasis, a British rock band, is known for creating some of the most memorable songs of the 90s including “Half the World Away”.

Composed by Noel Gallagher, the band’s lead guitarist, this track showcases his ability to generate emotive melodies that resonate with listeners.

“Half the World Away” is a piece that novice guitarists should consider learning as it presents a good balance of simplicity and challenge.

The song is entrenched in a soft, melancholic charm, making it a fitting addition to any compilation of ‘sad guitar songs for beginners’.

Oasis - Half The World Away (Official Lyric Video)

The heartfelt lyrics, coupled with an accompanying acoustic guitar, deliver raw emotion with a comforting feel, making it perfect for beginners to try.

With its easy chord progression, those just starting their guitar journey will find it a good song to practice and perfect.

No fancy fretwork or speedy solos here, it’s the simple strum that does all the talking.

More importantly, this track encourages aspiring guitarists to find their own emotional connection with the music they play.

So, if you’re a beginner guitarist seeking a modest but moving song to learn, Oasis’s “Half the World Away” could be a great choice.

94. “Always” by Bon Jovi

One of the most sad guitar songs that beginners must learn is “Always” by Bon Jovi.

This song is popular for its emotive lyrics and distinctive melody, making it a favorite among aspiring guitarists.

Bon Jovi, an American rock band, is known for their expert use of guitars in most of their songs.

The band’s lead singer, Jon Bon Jovi, delivers poignant vocals that captivate listeners.

“Always” is a song about continuous love and the hurt it often causes.

Bon Jovi - Always (Official Music Video)

The aching sadness of the song’s narrative is communicated through its guitar parts.

The melancholic tune of “Always” is achieved by the use of simple chords and a slow rhythm, making it perfect for beginner guitarists.

The simplicity of the guitar arrangement doesn’t diminish the emotional impact of the song.

“Always” serves as a great practising piece for novice guitar players who wish to enhance their skill levels and experiment with different styles.

Additionally, it can help improve finger dexterity and rhythm timing.

Learning “Always” by Bon Jovi will not only provide guitar beginners with an enjoyable piece to play but will also introduce them to the band’s remarkable musical style.

95. “I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt

Bonnie Raitt is the artist behind the heart-wrenching song “I Can’t Make You Love Me”.

This sad guitar song is a must-learn for beginners due to its haunting melody and deep lyrics.

Perfect for enhancing emotional expression skills, learning this song may help beginners to grasp the concept of conveying emotions through music.

The song focuses primarily on the themes of unrequited love and acceptance of the situation.

Bonnie Raitt - I Can't Make You Love Me

Bonnie Raitt’s voice effectively communicates the pain and sorrow of love that is not reciprocated.

The simple guitar accompaniment allows the poignant lyrics to take the spotlight, further enhancing its appeal to beginners.

This allows new guitarists to build a solid foundation in learning basic guitar chords and strumming techniques.

Attempting this song could be a beneficial step in understanding how melody and lyrics align in a sad song.

Ultimately, “I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt is a relatable track, and an excellent choice for beginners looking to learn a soulful and emotional guitar song.

96. “7 Years” by Lukas Graham

The song “7 Years” is by the band Lukas Graham, a pop band originating from Denmark.

The lead vocalist, Lukas Forchhammer, is known for his soulful voice and profound lyrics.

“7 Years” is an introspective song, where the singer reflects on his life at different ages.

It’s easy to learn on guitar, which makes it an excellent choice for beginners.

Lukas Graham - 7 Years [Official Music Video]

The melody is quite catchy, and the corresponding guitar chords are simple to pick up.

Lyrically, the song explores themes of growing up and familial love.

This adds a kind of narrative richness to the song’s already easy-to-grasp musical composition.

“7 Years” is a great song for beginners to not only practice guitar playing but also improve their expression and feel for music.

Unlike other sad songs, it strikes a balance between emotive lyrics and an accessible melody.

Learning “7 Years” by Lukas Graham allows beginners to slowly build their performance skills while enjoying this touching piece of music.

97. “Like a Stone” by Audioslave

“Like a Stone” is a song performed by the rock band Audioslave.

This band consists of musicians who were previously part of the groups Soundgarden and Rage Against the Machine.

The song provides an emotional and heartfelt experience, with its melancholic lyrics and mellow rhythm.

It features an acoustic guitar riff, which is quite suitable for beginners to learn.

Chris Cornell, the lead vocalist, expresses raw emotion through his distinctive voice in this track.

Audioslave - Like a Stone (Official Video)

The lyrics of “Like a Stone” suggest feelings of longing and despair, resonating deeply with listeners who are going through tough times.

For aspiring guitarists, this song is a great opportunity to practice barre chords and learn about guitar dynamics.

Moreover, it also allows beginners to discover the pleasures of playing along to a song that is audibly pleasing and emotionally stirring.

Watching live performances of “Like a Stone” can contribute significantly to understanding the song’s expressiveness and the band’s musicianship.

In essence, Audioslave’s “Like a Stone” is a song that beautifully blends sadness with a simple yet memorable guitar riff, making it an important addition to the repertoire of any beginner guitarist interested in sad guitar songs.

98. “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” by U2

“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” is one of U2’s most renowned songs.

This hit from the Iconic Irish rock band expresses a deep longing and has a melancholic tune, making it a perfect addition to any sad guitar song list.

Originally released in 1987, it’s a part of their bestselling album, “Joshua Tree”.

Bono’s soulful vocals alongside The Edge’s distinctive guitar playing creates a heart-touching melody.

Despite its somber tone, the song manages to maintain U2’s classic rock style.

U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (Official Music Video)

The lyrics speaks of spiritual yearning and an ardent search for meaning, transcending the usual themes found in rock music.

For beginners learning guitar, this song provides a great opportunity to practice chord changes and strumming patterns.

Its melody is also quite memorable, making it a rewarding song to learn and perform for aspiring guitarists.

From a personal perspective, interpreting such a profound work from Bono and his bandmates might seem daunting at first glance.

However, once you delve into the musical notes and poignant lyrics, it becomes an enjoyable and enriching learning experience.

99. “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” by The Righteous Brothers

The “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” is a classic hit by The Righteous Brothers that has touched many listeners over the years.

The Righteous Brothers, made up of Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield, were a prominent duo in the music industry who delivered unforgettable songs throughout their career.

As a sad guitar song for beginners, “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” is easy to play but filled with genuine sentiments rooted in heartbreak and yearning.

You've Lost That Loving Feeling Righteous Brothers JAR-ReMix Stereo HiQ Hybrid JARichardsFilm

The song’s lyrics are packed with raw emotion, with words that are potent enough to shatter even the hardest of hearts.

The heart-rending melody sets the perfect backdrop for the deep, longing sentiments conveyed by the duo in this beautiful piece.

“You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” is a touching, memorable classic that remains etched in the music history sheets.

For beginners, this song can serve as an easy, yet poignant, initiation into the world of sad guitar songs.

100. “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins

In The Air Tonight” presents a soul-searching journey using guitar chords more on the darker side with a hint of melancholy.

Over three decades, Phil Collins has built a reputation of delivering stand-out rock ballads with depth and emotion.

This song has become popular amongst guitar beginners due to its simplicity yet emotional resonance.

Following straightforward chords and progression, the song lets beginners focus on expression rather than technical mastery.

Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (Official Music Video)

The songs starts with a simple G and D minor chord pairing, proven to be quite easy to master even for the absolute beginners.

Collins perfectly blends haunting melody with equally poignant lyrics to create a perfect sad guitar song.

Learning to play “In The Air Tonight” can be a rewarding experience for a budding guitarist, giving them a chance to learn how to inject emotional weight into their strumming.

Despite the song’s undying popularity, it is quite easy to learn for those just starting out with their guitar journey.

It’s simplicity and understated beauty make it an excellent choice for beginners.

101. “You Were Always On My Mind” by Willie Nelson

You Were Always On My Mind is a notable sorrowful ballad by outstanding country musician, Willie Nelson.

This heart-wrenching song was released in 1982 as part of Willie Nelson’s album fittingly titled “Always On My Mind”.

Willie’s tender, earnest delivery of the lyrics in You Were Always On My Mind is absolutely unforgettable.

Its core theme of personal regret and longing for redemption resonates deeply with listeners irrespective of their musical preferences.

Willie Nelson - Always On My Mind (Official Video)

Beginners learning to play guitar will find this song quite accessible, while its poignant lyrics and Nelson’s voice express genuine sadness.

Willie Nelson’s writing and delivery in You Were Always On My Mind perfectly embody the spirit of regret anda desperate longing for forgiveness.

If you’re a novice guitarist the chords in You Were Always On My Mind are not too complex, making it an ideal entry point.

Furthermore, learning to play this song on guitar may provide insight into Nelson’s feelings when he wrote it.

Exploring You Were Always On My Mind on your own guitar could bring you closer to the emotional experience Willie Nelson sought to share with his listeners.

102. “I’m Not In Love” by 10cc

“I’m Not In Love” is a well-known song by British band 10cc.

Composed by members Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman, it was well received for its unique sound and innovative production.

This song is unique as it eschews traditional guitar chords, playing only one guitar chord throughout the entire piece.

It’s an excellent pick for beginners looking to start with something simple yet meaningful.

Layered with rich harmonies, it showcases how even a simple chord can be used to produce beautiful music.

10cc - I'm Not In Love

Despite the song’s title, it’s often interpreted as a love song.

The lyrics are about someone trying to convince themselves they’re not in love, when in reality, they are.

10cc put a lot of emotion into their music, and “I’m Not In Love” is no exception.

This song is a great reminder for budding guitarists that talent outweighs complexity and sometimes, less is more.

The song’s melancholy tone and straightforward composition make it perfect for beginners wanting to delve into sad guitar songs.

103. “If I Die Young” by The Band Perry

“If I Die Young” is a beautifully penned song by The Band Perry, a country music group.

The group is composed of siblings Kimberly Perry, Reid Perry, and Neil Perry.

“If I Die Young” captures the melancholy experience of life’s uncertain length.

It’s a great song for beginners on guitar, as it uses a simple chord progression.

The lyrics encourage contemplation of one’s mortality, without dwelling on the sorrow of premature passing.

The Band Perry - If I Die Young

The song is marked by its poignant storytelling which is notable especially for new guitarists.

Utilizing beautiful metaphors, the lyrics touch on themes of love, life, and unforeseen death.

While Kimberly Perry’s crystal-clear voice enhances the profound lyrics, the guitar rhythm is a perfect match.

This song is ideal for beginners looking to learn an emotional, yet straightforward composition on the guitar.

One of the unique aspects of “If I Die Young” is its ability to evoke powerful emotions while employing simplistic guitar chords.

Therefore, it can be an interesting addition to a beginner’s repertoire.

104. “Alone” by Heart

The song “Alone” is by the rock band Heart.

This American group is well-known for its combination of hard rock and folk music.

Ann and Nancy Wilson lead the band, with strong vocals and guitar play, respectively.

“Alone” is noteworthy due to its deep emotional depth and the intricate guitar parts.

The emotionally charged song is centered on the theme of loneliness.

The song’s passionately strummed chords gives beginners a chance to practice their strumming techniques.

The song also features soft and gentle guitar parts that would help strengthen a beginner’s finger picking skills.

From the vulnerable lyrics to the melancholic tunes, “Alone” is a great piece for beginners seeking to improve their guitar skills.

Thus, it’s a must-learn piece for those interested in mastering the art of sad guitar songs.

In addition to enhancing their guitar playing skills, it also allows beginners to experience playing with emotion.

Heart’s “Alone” does bring forth a mix of sadness and longing which is reflective of the song title.

105. “You Give Love A Bad Name” by Bon Jovi

The British band Bon Jovi released the song “You Give Love a Bad Name” in 1986.

This song is an excellent example of how Bon Jovi majorly shifted the landscape of pop-metal throughout the 80s and 90s.

You Give Love a Bad Name is characterized by its striking guitar riffs and catchy chorus.

While being a rock classic, it is not too difficult for beginners to pick up, making it a perfect addition to any start-up guitarist’s repertoire.

Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name (Official Music Video)

The lyrics explore the theme of a love turned sour, communicating an emotional experience that many listeners can relate to.

It uses simple yet effective lyrical imagery to articulate the pain and frustration following a bad breakup.

Despite its upbeat tempo, the essence of the song is melancholic, adding to the list of sad guitar songs beginners must learn.

Jon Bon Jovi’s passionate vocals, together with Richie Sambora’s pulsating guitar riffs, creates a captivating dichotomy that captures the spirit of 80’s rock and roll.

This song is a prime example of Bon Jovi’s ability to combine heartfelt lyrics with monumental guitar work.

106. “Silent Lucidity” by Queensryche

“Silent Lucidity” is a track by progressive metal band, Queensryche.

Unlike most of their discography, this song leans towards a softer, more acoustic sound.

The lyrics hold a deep emotion, revolving around the theme of lucid dreaming and spiritual guidance.

Its solo in the middle of the song provides a serene break to the otherwise emotionally heavy song.

The song’s chord progression and distinct melody are fairly easy to follow and learn, making it a good pick for beginners who are exploring sad guitar songs.

Queensrÿche - Silent Lucidity (Official Music Video)

The acoustic nature of the song provides a great way to practice fingerpicking skills.

In terms of singing, it’s not too high pitched nor too low, thus being accessible for most beginners.

The song offers a balance between practising basic chords and experimenting with a few advanced techniques.

For a beginner, learning “Silent Lucidity” can open up a vast genre of progressive music to further learning and exploration.

Queensryche’s “Silent Lucidity” thus stands out as an exceptional track under the sad guitar songs category for beginners.

107. “One” by Metallica

As one of the tracks on Metallica’s “…And Justice for All” album, “One” stands out both lyrically and musically.

James Hetfield, the band’s lead vocalist, co-wrote the song with drummer Lars Ulrich, demonstrating their exceptional songwriting ability.

The lyrics tell a harrowing tale of a World War I soldier who, after stepping on a landmine, becomes a quadruple amputee unable to speak, hear, or communicate.

The dark subject matter is matched by the song’s somber, haunting guitar melodies, which Metallica’s guitarists, Hetfield and Kirk Hammett, perform with skill and intensity.

Metallica: One (Official Music Video)

Hammett’s soulful, evocative guitar solo midway through the song is a highlight, showcasing his technical prowess and emotional depth.

“One” is also a great choice for beginner guitarists who are looking to expand their repertoire of sad songs.

The song’s main riff and chords are relatively straightforward, and would provide a good challenge for those just starting out.

Moreover, learning to play “One” can help budding guitarists to develop their sense of timing, dynamics, and musicality.

Despite its complex narrative and intense emotional content, “One” remains an accessible and rewarding song for beginners to learn on the guitar.

108. “Pour Some Sugar On Me” by Def Leppard

Among Def Leppard’s most iconic tracks is “Pour Some Sugar On Me”.

Released in the late 80s, it may not exactly qualify as a sad guitar song.

However, those just starting out on guitar can still benefit greatly from learning it.

The song’s riff is simple, repetitive, and incredibly catchy, making it a great choice for beginners.

DEF LEPPARD - "Pour Some Sugar On Me" (Official Music Video)

Lyrical content aside, the real joy of playing this song comes from mastering its fun rhythm.

While it’s a little more upbeat than most songs typically recommended for novice guitarists, its easy chords and memorable hook make up for it.

Def Leppard’s unique style also provides an interesting contrast to most melancholic guitar songs preferred by beginners.

“Pour Some Sugar On Me” is a prime example of their heavy metal glam rock roots.

Exploring different genres, such as Def Leppard’s distinctive glam/hard rock sound, is an excellent way to expand your guitar skills.

109. “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” by Bonnie Tyler

One of the sad guitar songs every beginner should learn is “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler.

Tyler’s emotionally-charged vocals combined with a compelling melody make for a tear-jerking experience in this heart-wrenching song.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” showcases Tyler’s distinctive husky voice, laden with raw emotion and evoking feelings of longing and despair.

The melancholic lyrics of the song provide snatches of a doomed love story, wrapping the listeners in its sheer intensity.

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn Around) (Official Video)

For beginners looking to explore a more emotionally stirring genre of guitar music, this song is a perfect place to start.

Breaking down the components of this song, the guitar part importantly reflects the sad tone and mournful notes, lending depth to the sorrowful theme.

The song has been it’s been covered by multiple artists, highlighting its resonant quality and enduring appeal.

Learning this song, beginners can practise creating strong emotive pitches with their guitar, thus lifting their skills up a notch.

The blend of narrative and vocals in “Total Eclipse of The Heart” makes it a unique specimen in the world of sad guitar songs.

110. “Cemetery Gates” by Pantera.

“Cemetery Gates” by Pantera is an excellent melody for beginners to learn, especially those who favor rock music.

Pantera, the legendary band behind the song, made significant contributions to the heavy metal genre, and “Cemetery Gates” showcases their unique blend of melodic and heavy sounds.

The song’s acoustic introduction is quite easy to learn on the guitar, making it a great starting point for beginners.

The lyricism of “Cemetery Gates” is also highly appealing, dealing with themes of grief and longing in a straightforward and accessible manner.

Pantera - Cemetery Gates (Official Music Video)

The vocals of Phil Anselmo, the band’s lead singer, combined with the well-crafted instrumental sections, result in a hauntingly beautiful song.

It’s the contrast of the soft guitar lines with the more aggressive parts of the song that truly make it stand out.

The guitar solos in “Cemetery Gates” provide a perfect chance for beginners to practice creating dynamic melodies and understand how to structure a solo.

Learning “Cemetery Gates” will not only improve guitar skills but also provide insight into engaging songwriting.

Its bittersweet sound fits the title of our article “Sad Guitar Songs For Beginners That You Must Learn” perfectly.

The Bottom Line

So, whether you’re just starting on your guitar journey or simply want to tap into your emotions, these beginner-friendly sad songs offer the perfect mix of simplicity and emotionality.

They not only help you understand the ins and outs of your instrument, but also tap into the therapeutic power of music in a way that’s manageable yet impactful.

Practice these songs, make them your own, and you will see noticeable progress while also expressing your emotions through the music.

These aren’t just songs, they’re tools of emotional expression that every budding guitarist should understand and value.