120+ Bagpipe Memes, Jokes & Puns That’ll Have Pipers Laughing Out Loud

bagpipe memes jokes and puns

If laughter is the best medicine, then get ready for a dose of hilarity with our collection of bagpipe jokes and puns!

It’s no secret that the sound of bagpipes can be polarizing, but these jokes’ undeniable charm and wit will unite even the staunchest of bagpipe critics.

Apart from providing endless entertainment, humor is a powerful force in bridging cultural gaps and fostering connections among people.

In this post, we’ll dive into the amusing world of bagpipe humor and explore how these jokes play on the stereotypes and misconceptions associated with this unique musical instrument.

We’ll cover everything from classic one-liners to side-splitting puns, revealing the lighter side of an instrument often associated with somber occasions.

So grab your kilt and sense of humor, and let’s explore the laugh-out-loud world of bagpipe jokes!

Best Bagpipe Memes

As a highly unique and niche topic, the world of bagpipes has undoubtedly produced some of the most hilarious and entertaining memes.

Who knew that an instrument so often associated with solemn occasions could bring such laughter and joy?

This section dives into the best bagpipe memes that truly resonate with anyone who loves this majestic and powerful instrument.

Meme #1: Just playing the bagpipes

One of those.

Meme #2: 20 minutes into bagpipes

It changes you.

Meme #3: Bagpipes

Reasons to choose a bagpipe over a guitar.

Meme #4: Just admit it

Did you think in that song?

Meme #5: Pipe major

You must be.

Meme #6: Don’t buy bagpipes on Amazon

Please don’t do it.

Meme #7: Isolation

Things just got worse.

Meme #8: Bagpipe music

My neighbors are fans of my music.

Meme #9: Don’t run with bagpipes

I love the accent.

Meme #10: I like blowing

Yes, you heard correctly.

Top 120 Best Bagpipe Jokes

We’ve compiled a rib-tickling collection of bagpipe jokes, bound to make even the most stoic piper chuckle.

Whether you’re a seasoned musician or just a fan, these jokes will not only provide much-needed entertainment but also help strengthen connections within the bagpipe community.

Jokes About Bagpipe Players

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipe but doesn’t.
  • What do you call a bagpiper with perfect pitch? An optimist.
  • What’s the range of a bagpipe? About twenty yards, if you have a good arm.
  • Why do bagpipers always leave their cases open? So people will think they’re still learning.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? Someone is blowing into it.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline.
  • Why did the bagpiper get mad at the drummer? The drummer could actually keep a beat.
  • What’s worse than a bagpiper at your front door? Two bagpipers at your front door.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? They can blend in with the sound of the generators.
  • Why do so many people take up the bagpipes? To drown out the sound of the other bagpipes.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpiper and a chainsaw? A chainsaw has a cut-off switch.
  • How do you know when a bagpipe player is at your door? They don’t know when to come in.
  • Why do bagpipers always seem to lose their keys? Because their fingers are too busy practicing the chanter.

Bagpipe Puns

  • What do you call a bagpiper with a beehive? A humdinger.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the definition of a minor second? Two bagpipers playing in unison.
  • How do you get two bagpipes to play in perfect harmony? Shoot one.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • What do you call a bagpiper with half a brain? Gifted.
  • Why do bagpipers leave their cases on their dashboards? So they can park in handicapped spaces.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn’t.
  • What do you call a Scottish musician who plays the bagpipes? A bagpipe herder.
  • Why did the bagpiper get mad at the drummer? He couldn’t keep up with the drones.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline.
  • Why did the bagpiper get kicked out of the orchestra? He couldn’t find his pitch.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? The drones stop.
  • What do you call a beautiful woman on a bagpiper’s arm? A tattoo.

Bagpipe Practice Jokes

  • Why do bagpipers always walk while they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? Because they can blow up their own cover.
  • How do you get two bagpipers to play in tune? Shoot one.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn’t.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take off your shoes before you jump on a trampoline.
  • Why do bagpipers always leave their cases open when they perform? So they can collect all the sympathy notes.
  • How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe? Add vibrato.
  • Why do bagpipers never get invited to play at funerals? Because they might be mistaken for the deceased.
  • What do you call a bagpiper with perfect pitch? A lucky shot.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? It’s still making noise.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a lawnmower? You can tune a lawnmower.
  • Why did the bagpiper get mad at the drummer? Because he couldn’t keep up with the tempo of his solo.
  • What’s the difference between a dead snake and a dead bagpiper on the road? Skid marks in front of the snake.

Highland Jokes

  • Why did the highlander refuse to play hide and seek? He couldn’t find a kilt that blended in with the scenery.
  • Why do highlanders never get lost? They always follow their bagpipes back home.
  • Why did the highlander bring a shovel to the pub? He heard they were having a wee bit of a bar dig.
  • What do you call a highlander who always tells the truth? A myth.
  • Why did the highlander wear a kilt to his job interview? He wanted to show off his strong calves.
  • Why do highlanders always carry an extra pair of socks? In case they get a hole in one.
  • What did the highlander say when he found out he had to play the bagpipes at a funeral? “I’m about to put the fun back in funeral.”
  • Why did the highlander never play soccer? He was too busy practicing the caber toss.
  • Why was the highlander always the best dancer at the party? Because he could really rock a kilt.
  • Why did the highlander go to therapy? He had too many emotional baggages.
  • What’s a highlander’s favorite snack? Haggis on the go.
  • Why did the highlander refuse to wear pants? He didn’t want to feel constricted.
  • Why do highlanders hate playing musical chairs? They can’t bear the thought of sitting down on their bagpipes.

Jokes About Bagpipe Lessons

  • Why do bagpipe teachers make bad secret agents? They can never keep anything under wraps!
  • What do you call a bagpipe teacher with perfect pitch? A liar.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher go to jail? He was caught in a sting operation!
  • How do you get a bagpipe student to stop playing? Put sheet music in front of them.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe lesson and a root canal? The root canal has better music.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher go to therapy? He had too many drone-ful experiences.
  • How do you know when you’ve found a good bagpipe teacher? They can make you laugh with just one note.
  • What’s the hardest thing about learning the bagpipes? Finding a teacher who hasn’t gone crazy yet.
  • Why do bagpipe teachers wear kilts? It’s the only way they can air out the sound of their lessons.
  • What’s the best way to make a bagpipe teacher angry? Accidentally call it a musical instrument.
  • Why do bagpipe teachers love teaching beginners? Because they haven’t developed an ear for music yet.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe lesson and a vacuum cleaner? The vacuum cleaner actually sucks.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher become a philosopher? Because he was an expert in blowing hot air!

Bagpipe Performance Jokes

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you cut up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? Someone is blowing into it.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipe but doesn’t.
  • What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians? A bagpiper.
  • Why do bagpipers leave their cases on their dashboards? So they can park in handicap spaces.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline.
  • How many bagpipers does it take to change a lightbulb? Five: one to handle the bulb, and four to argue about how much better the old one was.
  • What do you call a beautiful woman on a bagpiper’s arm? A tattoo.
  • Why did the bagpiper get thrown out of the orchestra? He couldn’t find the key.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a chainsaw? A chainsaw has a dynamic range.
  • What’s the difference between a dead snake and a dead bagpiper on the road? There are skid marks in front of the snake.
  • How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe? Add vibrato.
  • What’s the perfect pitch for a bagpipe? When it lands in the dumpster without hitting the sides.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the bagpipe recital.

Bagpipe Parade Jokes

  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? Someone is blowing into it.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? They can go undercover as a fire alarm.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn’t.
  • How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe? Add vibrato.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline.
  • How do you know when a bagpiper is at your front door? Your dog starts singing along.
  • What do you call a bagpiper with half a brain? Gifted.
  • Why do bagpipers always seem to be lost? Because they’re always looking for the tune.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a vacuum cleaner? The vacuum cleaner has to be plugged in before it sucks.
  • What do you call ten bagpipes at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
  • Why did the bagpiper get thrown out of the parade? He was caught playing in tune.
  • What’s the range of a bagpipe? About twenty yards, if you have a good arm.

Jokes About Bagpipe Tunes

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn’t.
  • Why do bagpipe players always look so sad? Because they’re always in tune with their feelings.
  • How do you get two bagpipes to play in perfect unison? Shoot one of them.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
  • Why do bagpipers always seem to have a big ego? Because they know they are always a drone away from perfection.
  • What’s the difference between a dead snake on the road and a dead bagpiper on the road? Skid marks in front of the snake.
  • Why did the bagpiper get thrown out of school? Because he was caught playing hooky.
  • What’s the best way to tune a set of bagpipes? With a pair of scissors.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe tune is out of tune? The drones stop humming.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? They can always blend into the background noise.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who can play more than one song? A prodigy.
  • Why are bagpipe tunes like a wormhole? They can bend time and space with their sound.

Bagpipe Band Jokes

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but doesn’t.
  • How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe? Add vibrato.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline.
  • What’s the difference between a dead bagpiper in the road and a dead country singer in the road? The country singer may have been on the way to a recording session.
  • How many bagpipers does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to handle the bulb, and four to tell him how much better they could have done it.
  • Why did the bagpiper get mad at the drummer? Because the drummer was actually keeping time.
  • What do you call ten bagpipes at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
  • Why do bagpipers always leave their cases open when they perform? So they can collect the sympathy cards.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a lawn mower? Neighbors get upset if you borrow a lawn mower and don’t return it.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? No one ever wants to be within earshot of them.

Jokes About Bagpipe Sounds

  • What’s the definition of perfect pitch? When you throw a bagpipe into a dumpster and it lands on an accordion.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe? Add vibrato.
  • What’s the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead bagpiper in the road? Skid marks in front of the snake.
  • Why do bagpipers leave their cases on the dashboard? So they can park in handicapped spaces.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline.
  • Why did the bagpiper get mad at the drummer? He found out the drummer was using his bagpipes to practice.
  • What do you call a bagpipe player with half a brain? Gifted.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? Someone is blowing into it.
  • What’s the range of a bagpipe? Twenty yards if you have a good arm.
  • Why do bagpipers make great spies? No one ever notices the background noise.
  • Why do some people think bagpipes are a musical instrument? They haven’t heard a cat being stepped on yet.
  • What’s the difference between a cat and a bagpipe? One has nine lives, and the other just sounds like it’s on its last one.

Bagpipe Teacher Jokes

  • Why did the bagpipe teacher go to jail? He was caught playing with his drones in public.
  • What do you call a bagpipe teacher with perfect pitch? A liar.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher break up with his girlfriend? She said his love for the pipes was getting in between them.
  • How do you know when a bagpipe teacher is at your door? You don’t have to, you’ll hear him coming from a mile away.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe teacher and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher get kicked out of the orchestra? He kept trying to tune the instruments with his pipes.
  • How do you make a bagpipe teacher’s car more aerodynamic? Remove the pipes from the roof rack.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher go to therapy? He was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after playing at a funeral.
  • What do you call a bagpipe teacher with a beehive? A drone collector.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher become a gardener? He wanted to grow his own reeds.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher get a job at the zoo? He heard they needed someone to play for the elephants.
  • Why did the bagpipe teacher get a second job as a mechanic? He was tired of only fixing leaks in his pipes.
  • What’s the bagpipe teacher’s favorite type of music? Anything but bagpipes, he hears it all day long!

Jokes About Bagpipe Competitions

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe competition and a migraine? One’s a painful experience with loud and annoying sounds, the other is just a headache.
  • Why do bagpipers always win the competitions? Because they’re the ones willing to play the longest without stopping.
  • What do you call a bagpipe competition where everyone plays in tune? A miracle.
  • Why did the bagpiper get disqualified from the competition? He was caught playing an air guitar.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe competition and a boxing match? At least in a boxing match, the pain stops when someone is knocked out.
  • Why do they hold bagpipe competitions? To find out who can make the most noise without getting arrested.
  • How do you get an entire town to come to a bagpipe competition? Advertise it as a silence competition.
  • What do you call a person who enjoys attending bagpipe competitions? A masochist.
  • Why are bagpipe competitions always held in large, open fields? Because no building can withstand that much noise.
  • What do bagpipe competitions and cruel torture methods have in common? They both can make you beg for mercy.
  • What’s the best way to survive a bagpipe competition? Earplugs. Lots and lots of earplugs.
  • Why was the bagpiper arrested after the competition? He was charged with assault and battery… on people’s eardrums.

Bagpipe History Jokes

  • Why did the bagpiper get kicked out of the history museum? He tried to play along with the ancient artifacts.
  • How do you know when it’s a historical bagpipe performance? The audience is wearing earplugs from the 1800s.
  • Why did the bagpiper go back in time? To find out who made the first mistake of inventing the bagpipes.
  • What’s the difference between a historic bagpipe and a modern one? The historic bagpipe has more cobwebs and fewer fans.
  • Why did the medieval king always bring a bagpiper to battle? Because even his enemies would have to feel sorry for someone playing the bagpipes.
  • Why was the bagpipe the most popular instrument in ancient Scotland? Because they hadn’t invented earplugs yet.
  • How did ancient bagpipers practice social distancing? They didn’t need to- their music took care of it.
  • Why did the bagpiper get arrested during the medieval festival? He was caught playing in the no-bagpipe zone.
  • How do you know when you’re attending a historic bagpipe performance? The audience is as old as the instrument itself.
  • Why was the bagpipe the most feared weapon in Scottish history? It could make entire armies retreat just by playing a single note.
  • Why was the bagpiper considered the bravest warrior in Scottish history? Because he was the only one who could endure the sound of his own instrument.

Jokes About Bagpipe Maintenance

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a vacuum cleaner? The vacuum cleaner only sucks when you turn it on!
  • How do you know when it’s time to tune your bagpipes? When it starts sounding like music.
  • Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? They’re trying to get away from the noise!
  • What do you call a bagpipe with a broken drone? A good start!
  • Why did the bagpiper get thrown out of the orchestra? He couldn’t find the key!
  • What’s the best way to clean your bagpipes? Put them in the dishwasher… and leave them there!
  • What’s the definition of “perfect pitch” for a bagpiper? When they can toss the bagpipes into a dumpster without hitting the sides.
  • Why do bagpipers always have a spare set of pipes? In case they accidentally leave the first set in a cab!
  • How many bagpipers does it take to change a lightbulb? Five, one to hold the lightbulb and four to drink until the room starts spinning!
  • What do you call a bagpiper with a beehive for a sporran? A self-tuning instrument!
  • Why did the bagpiper get a second job as a plumber? Because he was so good at clearing pipes!
  • What do you call a bagpiper playing out of tune? Normal!
  • Why do bagpipers wear kilts? Because the sound of the zippers scares the sheep!
  • What’s the best way to tune your bagpipes? With a hacksaw!

Bagpipe Wedding Jokes

  • Why did the groom get cold feet at his bagpipe wedding? He realized he forgot his kilt!
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe wedding and a regular wedding? The bagpipes make everyone cry before the ceremony even begins.
  • Why did the bride insist on having a bagpipe wedding? She wanted to start married life on a high note.
  • Why are bagpipe weddings so romantic? Because love is in the air… along with the sound of bagpipes.
  • Why did the bagpiper get asked to leave the wedding? He couldn’t find the right key for “Here Comes the Bride”.
  • What do you get when you cross a bagpiper with a wedding planner? A very loud and organized wedding.
  • Why did everyone at the bagpipe wedding look so tense? They were all waiting for the drone attack.
  • What’s the best way to avoid hearing bagpipes at a wedding? Elope.
  • Why did the bagpiper refuse to play at the wedding? He didn’t want anyone to upstage his performance.
  • How can you tell if you’re at a Scottish wedding? The only thing louder than the bagpipes is the father of the bride’s snoring.
  • What did the groom say to the bagpiper after his wedding? “Thanks for piping down during our vows.”

Jokes About Bagpipe Accessories

  • Why do bagpipe players always carry a spare set of drone reeds? Just in case they accidentally play a note in tune.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe player and a bagpipe case? You can’t play a tune on a bagpipe case.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who forgot his pipe chanter reed? A silent movie.
  • Why do bagpipers always carry a roll of duct tape? To keep their drones from flying off during a performance.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe player is playing out of tune? Their drones are still attached.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe player and a bad bagpipe player? The amount of time it takes to find their pipe chanter reed.
  • Why do bagpipers wear kilts? It’s easier to hide their can of WD-40 for squeaky drone reeds.
  • What do bagpipe players and mountain climbers have in common? They both need a good set of lungs and a strong grip on their instrument.
  • How do you know when a bagpiper is about to start playing? They take their pipe chanter reed out of the whisky.
  • Why do bagpipers walk while playing? It’s harder for people to hit a moving target.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who left his pipe bag at home? A human accordion.
  • Why did the bagpipe player bring an extra set of drone cords to practice? In case they needed to tie up loose ends.
  • What’s the definition of perfect pitch for a bagpipe player? When they can toss their pipe chanter reed into the garbage can without hitting the sides.

Famous Bagpipe Player Jokes

  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • Why do bagpipers walk when they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipe but doesn’t.
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? Someone is playing it.
  • What do you call a famous bagpipe player on a trampoline? Bouncing off the walls.
  • Why did the bagpiper get kicked out of the orchestra? He was caught playing by ear.
  • What do you call a bagpipe player who practices 24/7? An air pollutant.
  • Why do bagpipers always look so serious? Because they’re trying to figure out what song they’re playing.
  • What do you call a famous bagpipe player who switches to the electric guitar? Unplugged and dangerous.
  • How do you get a bagpipe player to stop playing? Tell him he has a great future in comedy.
  • Why did the famous bagpiper become a baker? So he could make bread and choonz at the same time.
  • What do you call a bagpipe player’s autobiography? Fifty Shades of Drones.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who performs in a rock band? A rebel with a cause.
  • Why did the famous bagpipe player become a gardener? So he could grow his own reeds.

Jokes About Kilt-Wearing Bagpipers

  • Why do bagpipers always wear kilts? Because a sheep can hear a zipper from a mile away.
  • Why do bagpipers walk while they play? To get away from the noise.
  • What’s the difference between a kilt-wearing bagpiper and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
  • What’s the definition of perfect pitch for a kilt-wearing bagpiper? When they can toss the bagpipes into a dumpster without hitting the sides.
  • How do you get two kilt-wearing bagpipers to play in tune? Shoot one of them.
  • What do you call a kilt Wearing bagpiper with half a brain? Gifted.
  • Why do kilt-wearing bagpipers always look so serious? Because they know everyone is laughing at their skirts.
  • What’s the difference between a kilt-wearing bagpiper and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist.
  • How can you tell if a kilt-wearing bagpiper plays out of tune? His fingers are moving.
  • Why do kilt-wearing bagpipers always carry a spare set of bagpipes? In case they break a string.
  • How do you make a chainsaw sound like a kilt-wearing bagpiper? Add a Scottish accent.
  • What do kilt-wearing bagpipers use for birth control? Their personalities.
  • Why do kilt-wearing bagpipers always march at the front of a parade? So they can’t hear the insults from the crowd.
  • What’s the difference between a kilt-wearing bagpiper and an onion? No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.

Bagpipe Animal Jokes

  • Why did the chicken join the bagpipe band? Because it wanted to play the chickpipes.
  • What do you call a cow playing the bagpipes? Moo-sic to your ears.
  • Why did the sheep join the bagpipe band? It heard they needed a baa-gpiper.
  • What do you call a cat that plays the bagpipes? A purr-fect piper.
  • Why did the kangaroo join the bagpipe band? It wanted to hop to the beat.
  • What do you call a snake that plays the bagpipes? A python piper.
  • Why are bagpipe bands always followed by dogs? The dogs think the bagpipes are chew toys.
  • What do you call a group of elephants playing the bagpipes? A herd of the loudest music.
  • Why did the giraffe join the bagpipe band? It wanted to reach new high notes.
  • What do you call a monkey playing the bagpipes? A chimp piper.
  • Why did the sloth join the bagpipe band? It wanted to play at a slow tempo.

120 Best Bagpipe Puns

  • Why did the bagpipers get thrown out of the concert hall? They were caught playing hooky and reels!
  • How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune? It’s making sound.
  • Why do bagpipers always seem to be walking? They’re trying to get away from the noise!
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? You don’t cry when you chop up a bagpipe.
  • How do you know someone is a bagpipe player? They’ll drone on and on about it.
  • What’s the definition of an optimist? A bagpiper with a beeper.
  • Why did the bagpiper join a gym? To keep his pipes buff.
  • Why did the bagpiper get a failing grade in music class? He couldn’t keep his chanter quiet.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who only knows one song? A specialist.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a lawnmower? People enjoy hearing a lawnmower start up.
  • How many bagpipers does it take to change a light bulb? Five – one to hold the bulb, four to argue about whether it’s in tune or not.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite type of pastry? A puffed chanter.
  • What sound does a baby bagpipe make? A whine.
  • Why did the bagpiper refuse to play at the funeral? He said it would be too grave a matter.
  • What do you call a bagpipe with a mute button? A pipe dream!
  • Why did the bagpiper switch to a quieter instrument? He wanted his music to be piping hot, not piping loud.
  • Why did the bagpiper get promoted? He mastered the art of highlandering.
  • Why don’t bagpipers ever get bored? They always have something to drone about.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite type of cloud? A nimbostratus – it’s cloudy with a chance of droning.
  • What do you get when you cross a bagpipe with a computer? A machine that drones on and off.
  • What do you call a bagpiper on a skateboard? A roller-piper.
  • What do bagpipers and plumbers have in common? They both know their way around pipes.
  • Why did the bagpiper go to jail? He was caught playing an illegal reel.
  • Why did the bagpiper’s album flop? No one wanted to hear him drone on for hours.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite dinner? Anything with lots of chanterelle mushrooms.
  • How do bagpipers spice up their life? With a little pipe-rika!
  • Why are bagpipes like the wind? They’re both full of hot air.
  • Why did the bagpiper go on a diet? To slim down his sound.
  • What do bagpipers and scientists have in common? They both need to drone on about their findings.
  • What do bagpipers and magicians share? They both have tricks up their sleeves.
  • What do bagpipers drink when they’re at the pub? A pint of pipe-r.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite social media site? Dronester.
  • How do bagpipers send love notes? With X-pipes and O-drones.
  • Why did the bagpiper approach the librarian? To find the books with all the right notes.
  • What do you call a bagpiper’s worst nightmare? A soundproof room.
  • What did the bagpiper wear on his head? A drone cap.
  • Why do bagpipers like playing outdoors? The pipes have more room to breathe.
  • What do you call a bagpiper’s autobiography? “The Long and Winding Drones.”
  • Why did the bagpiper cross the road? To show he can juggle while playing.
  • Why was the bagpiper feeling pressure at a parade? He couldn’t stand the strain of the pipes.
  • Why are bagpipes considered rebellious? They won’t conform to mainstream music.
  • Why do bagpipers make great politicians? They can drone on without taking a breath.
  • Why did the bagpipe join the choir? To add harmony and depth to the group.
  • What did the bagpiper do during his day at the spa? Got a tune-up massage.
  • How do bagpipers like their coffee? With a touch of drone syrup.
  • Why did the bagpiper get glasses? So he could read the fine print and the score lines.
  • What did the bagpipe say to the fiddle? “Stop stringing me along!”
  • Why was the bagpiper sticking two fingers in his ears? He was trying to muffle the music.
  • What did the bagpiper say when he was caught in the rain? “My drones are getting rusty!”
  • Why do bagpipers use drones? So they don’t get lost during the song.
  • What do you call a bagpipe with a cold? A congested chanter.
  • Why did the bagpiper go to therapy? He was feeling a little high-strung.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite game? Hide and drone seek.
  • Why did the bagpiper get kicked out of the amusement park? He wouldn’t stop playing the pipes on the rollercoaster.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite place to play? A windy cliffside – it’s great for acoustics.
  • What did the bagpiper say to the moth? “Why are you attracted to my chanter?”
  • Why do bagpipers love nature? The best acoustics are found outdoors.
  • What do you call the sound made by a bagpipe falling off a cliff? Pipes over troubled water.
  • What’s a bagpipers’ favorite holiday? Drone-ukkah!
  • Why did the bagpipers form a basketball team? To master the art of the highland dunk!
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite candy? Droney bears.
  • Why did the bagpiper start exercising? To become a lean, mean, piping machine.
  • Why do bagpipers make terrible cooks? They always burn their chowder!
  • What do you call a bagpiper with a flat tire? Out of air!
  • Why did the bagpipes visit the dentist? Their drones needed a tune-up.
  • What do bagpipers do after a long practice session? Take a breather!
  • Why did the bagpiper wear earplugs? To drown out the music during his practice.
  • What do bagpipers use to protect their fingers? Drone guards.
  • Why did the bagpiper become a wrestler? He wanted to put his opponents in a piping headlock!
  • What do bagpipers like to do on weekends? Have a piping hot time with friends and family!
  • What did the bagpiper say after playing a perfect pitch? “I pipe-nailed it!”
  • Why did the bagpipe get a new case? The old one had too many holes.
  • Why did the bagpiper install a GPS on his pipes? To always know where his drones are at.
  • What’s the difference between a bagpipe and a vacuum cleaner? The position of the dirtbag.
  • Why was the bagpipe in a band? It wanted to drone out the competition.
  • What do bagpipers use to practice? A metronome and a whole lot of patience.
  • What did the dog say to the bagpiper? “Could you play something more canine-friendly?”
  • Why do bagpipers get tired at practice? They never take a breather.
  • What do you call a sad bagpipe? A weepy chanter.
  • Why did the bagpipe join the army? To protect its homeland.
  • Why did the bagpiper visit the eye doctor? He was having trouble with his sight reading.
  • Why did the bagpiper fall asleep on stage? He didn’t calculate the resting note values.
  • How do you know a bagpiper is at your door? The knocking is followed by off-key humming.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite brand of shoes? “Drone-tones.”
  • What did the bagpiper do after a long day of practice? Watched some drone TV.
  • Why did the bagpipers protest? They wanted better wages for their drones.
  • What do you call a group of bagpipers? A bagpipe brigade.
  • Why did the bagpiper join a rock band? To be a heavy metaldroner.
  • Why did the bagpipe visit the psychiatrist? It had a case of split reed personality disorder.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite card game? Crazy eighths and drones.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who gets stressed easily? A drama drone.
  • Why did the bagpipers form a symphony orchestra? To be in perfect harmony.
  • Why did the bagpiper carry a megaphone? To amplify his drones.
  • What do you call a care package sent to a bagpiper? A droneygram.
  • Why did the bagpiper yell at his chanter? It wouldn’t stop making a racket.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who can’t find his pipes? Frantically out of tune!
  • What did the bagpiper say when he was offered a different instrument? “No way,
  • I’m dazed and droned!”
  • Why did the bagpiper prefer playing outdoors? He felt at one with the wind.
  • What do you call a bagpiper’s workout routine? A highland fling.
  • Why did the true crime writer interview bagpipers? They know how to keep their stories airtight.
  • What do you call a bagpipe player’s favorite bedtime snack? A chanter-cookie.
  • Why are bagpipers great cheerleaders? They know how to pump up the crowd.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite dance move? The drone and roll.
  • Why did the bagpiper become a detective? He was good at solving tune mysteries.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite dessert? A drone-ut.
  • Why did the bagpipe learn to drive? To go from gig to gig in style.
  • What do you call a bagpiper in a kilt? A highland hottie.
  • Why did the bagpiper say no to the accordion? Can’t handle the competition.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite fruit? A raspberry pi-per.
  • Why did the bagpiper join the circus? He always wanted to be a high-wire act.
  • What do you call a bagpiper who can’t hit high notes? Low and behold!
  • Why did the bagpipe get a job at the zoo? He thought he could communicate with the elephants.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite movie? “Drone with the Wind.”
  • Why did the bagpiper become a news anchor? He knew how to hold people’s attention.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite fashion accessory? A droning scarf.
  • What did the bagpiper say when he caught a cold? “I’ve got a chanter in my throat!”
  • Why did the bagpiper become a pilot? He’s always felt comfortable around drones.
  • What do you call a bagpiper’s secret weapon? A dronenator.
  • Why did the bagpipe create a podcast? It wanted to be a master of the audio world.
  • What’s a bagpiper’s favorite sport? A close tie between drone racing and highland games.

The Bottom Line

To summarize, bagpipe jokes, memes, and puns keep us amused and contribute to the rich and lively culture associated with this distinctive instrument.

This article has taken you on a journey through the comical universe of bagpipe-related humor, which encompasses everything from witty puns to enjoyable memes that spotlight the peculiarities and eccentricities of playing this historic instrument.

These playful jests illustrate the fellowship and shared experiences of bagpipe players and aficionados.

So the next time you stumble upon a clever bagpipe meme or joke, bear in mind that it’s not merely a funny remark – it’s a tribute to the dynamic spirit and long-lasting legacy of bagpipe culture.

Now, venture out and share these hilarious punchlines with your fellow bagpipe brethren, and may the sound of laughter (or groaning) echo as powerfully as the melodious drone of the pipes themselves!